It sure looked like that goalie could have made the save...
It sure looked like that goalie could have made the save...
You brought up the Trail of Tears twice.
I don’t think any reasonable person doubts that those things would be far less likely under Clinton.
Yes, unions vs. transgender bathroom rights, the classic “either-or” choice.
I come back once in a while but the awful MMO aspects make it hard to enjoy the story.
That’s not what the community says online, they seem to think the game gets worse every new patch.
Pretty wild that Stormfront can’t find a single fucking grammar nazi.
Yep. Over the last few months I’ve realized through facebook posts that most of the Trump supporters are the idiots who didn’t pay attention in class.
I think you are reading things into the comments you’re responding to that aren’t actually there.
1) Kotaku does very little pre-release coverage at all for things that aren’t mega-huge, so expecting an article about FH3's “new features” is laughable
LOL! But wait, isn’t that precisely why parents give their kids iPhones when they’re only 3 & 4 yrs. old? So they’ll have something to amuse themselves with when they wake up on Sat. mornings while mommy & daddy are trying to amuse themsleves? I mean, my cat even as a damn app -- it’s just video of a goldfish swimming…
It’s usually not long after the games media sites start covering them that they get taken down. It’s sad, but I’m not sure why fans put so much time into these projects they know will be doomed. :(
What amazes me about that picture is I think you can see where the tire goes from bald to full tread.
itunes is the #1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 reason I will be switching from apple whenever my 5c dies. It is hot garbage and I am so sick of it.
I have a 5s and due for an upgrade. I’m leaning towards the Galaxy S7 due to the expandable memory (micro sd up to 200gb). Plus iTunes pisses me off. I’m not loyal to one brand and also love the charging pad that Samsung offers.
It can just pop up at any time, just randomly. Not because you did something to it, but because it’s there. There’s days when I wake up and I feel fine, and then a week later, it’s kind of stiff.
I think we need to create a new trolling category called sexypasta, and this one should sit pretty close to the top. Any sex story that is so convoluted it was obviously fake, and yet so entertaining that nobody will look away or give up on it, would fall into the category.
Can this game just shut down so they can make KoTOR3 already?