
I judge the shit out of people that buy brand new base level luxury cars, cause I know instantly that you are just a brand whore. I don’t have a problem with people that order new cars, just people that buy stupid new cars.

Maybe he did not set the parking brake? Why rely on the transmission to stop the car from moving?

It’s not even out yet and it already looks dated.

Honda Accord. You can get it with 3-pedals and it is a damn enjoyable daily driver. You can have it as a hybrid or a powerful V6. It is comfy, affordable, reliable. You can fit real adults in the back seat and it also has a sizable trunk. It’s not a 3-series, but it’s also not a total bore to drive.

Ruined by Derpy McDerpface grille.

Volvo had such a detail (of course they did) on their SCC concept in 2001, which I guess paved the way for the C30 and their general styling direction from then on. It also had B-pillars which were canted inwards to increase over-the-shoulder visibility.

I mean, look at the interior! Come on!

I know it’s not that old but it’s so pretty...

while not taking sides here, you are aware of such things as time zones, yes?

No Tesla’s system is inferior read the article again