
Back in the day, I had one of these bad boys. Never let me down - unlike every printer I've owned since.

Strap breaks -> no bed. Strap stretches -> no bed. And a bed should last, what, 10 years? 20? That's a lot of faith to put in a strap, for $900.

He has a fair point about localism. Americans often don't realise the extent to which their culture is swamping the rest of the world simply because the Internet is so dominated by the US.

Or a actually nice drink that'll fuck you up just as much: coffee martini.

I have a pair of HD280s. They're great.

Were women any better at guessing men's BMI?

♥ "Your on-ramp to the information superhighway"

Remind me, who put a 326ppi display in a phone before Apple?

Sure, the GPU will doubtless get better, too. But 4x better? I can't help feeling some of it will fall back on the CPU, diminishing any gains.

The more (possible bullshit) I hear about the iPad 3, the more I think it's likely to feel like a step backwards.

Presumably actually eating one - or even a bit of one - would pretty much kill you.

And this is why buying a Windows PC is horrible. I look at these mini-writeups, and what I want is a table so I can compare the specs at a glance.

Many years ago, I dissected a roach for part of my degree. Having knocked it out with gas, we had to remove the upper shell, then the lower shell, leaving the innards separate but intact.

Because who doesn't walk out of an Apple Store thinking "I wish they were more like Dixons"?

iPhone 4S, with plastic screen protectors replaced every couple of months when they get scuffed up by keys in pocket. I'd hate that to be the glass!

8 hours < enough. Manufacturers, if the available tech doesn't allow you to make a device with a useful battery life, don't bother. Thanks.

I'm even more old-school - I'm still on Yahoo Mail. Because I have a really common surname, and wasn't quick enough to get Hotmail or Gmail addresses without a big number on the end. On Yahoo, though, I have, which is perfect.

Grammar, not so much.

Yes. I've been looking for exactly this for years!

That does look quite a lot like the pop-up one they had for the iPad 2 launch, though.