
So happy “kakistocracy” is getting traction.

They’re trying to make it too expensive for an abortion clinic to operate.

Jim Bates over at the Texas Funeral Consumer’s Alliance said they were very much against it and spoke against the measure. Jim’s good people and has been fighting for Texans and their rights in difficult times for some time.

Just because the center square is free, doesn’t mean it isn’t a valid BINGO.

The reason it’s the old west is b/c of the mythos of freedom and possibility to compare\contract against a robot theme park. One is no rules and no fences, the other is nothing but.

“Marla noticed him several times chinking his glass to hers to get her to drink.”

I’m sad no one has brought this up

Remember when he got tazed in “Scanner Darkly”? Oh man, that was the best.

OK, true story. One day, I had a _terrible_ headache, but I also had an appointment to go give blood (universal donor). I was doing fine until they took the needle out and then a wave of nausea hit me. They rushed to get me a trash bag, but I only spat about a mouth-full of vomit into the bag. And then guess what?

Story time:

That’s some high praise.

That’s some high praise.

Howe come people think they can just move to Canada? Canada has laws about immigration. Maybe a wall could be built to keep filthy Americans out.

I must now tell you the story of the Belgian Ambucheres.

Yes, but when is she going to cover "I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas"? It's perfect for her pout/stamp delivery.

I'm still weirded out that anyone got beat up by a 70-yr-old.

As an IT professional who has to deal with user names and mailbox accounts, could we please just stop this practice? It monkeys with everything.

This reminds me of a joke about a man during a flood.

Yeah, I had to look it up, too. I thought maybe he was a televangelist or something.

Now playing

Ugh! If you're going to show it, show ALL of it!

Oh, that's right. Yesterday was Doxxing Day.