
We know from Micheala's threat that he wants to go into politics- so it's very likely they're quite compatible, despite her having lost her shit…

I disagree. It was the exact response that a image-conscious careerist would have. She wasn't really concerned with the actual issue at hand- which was the slight and totally common malleability of her fiance's adolescent sexuality- but more how it might manifest itself later and disrupt her vision of her life.

While I appreciate the more measured approach this season is taking in contrast to last season's epic batshittery, I really need something to happen now. At this point, watching this show is like trying to start a beat-up lawnmower with a tricky pull-string ignition. At first the fails are kind of funny but then

Agreed. She instantly, hysterically went to ''on the DL' without even considering 'experiment', let alone 'He was a kid'. And all the assurances he had to give, like he had done something to her! Anyway, who the hell would volunteer to tell their partner every last detail of their sexual history regardless of

"Head" is what it sounds like when the doves cry.

The fisheye-lens Lobster Boy fingering was wholly unnecessary, but overall there was almost a sense of restraint to this episode. It's like they care to present something… thought-out and coherent. My goodness, I believe I done caught the vapors…

Dear John Mayer,

I'm down with Cyrus getting some ass but once the emo hesitation began I thought "Uh oh, relationship a-brewing" and immediately afterward thought "Well, the pro should be dead by season's end". I'm not sure if this makes me cynical or a straight-up bad person. Damn this show.

In A Special Way is a goddamn masterpiece. There's a reason it was so thoroughly mined for samples in 90s hip-hop. It's a landmark of R&B and ridiculously beautiful.

The flashbacks here are reminding me of Bill Compton's in the last season of True Blood not two months ago. Don't get me wrong- these flashbacks are infinitely better made and may yet serve some discernible narrative purpose. But seeing as how Boardwalk has even less time to spare in its final season than that

Damn, Dylan. When furiously beating off while crying in a haunted house is the high point of the last decade of your career, it's time to reevaluate your choices (or at least fire your agent).

The "how she tastes" line from Fitz was nauseating for two reasons: one, he was talking about the man's daughter for Christ's sake and two, it came out of Fitz's petulant and creepily possessive mouth. Jake's "you like to ride me" line was at least between two lovers so as far as I'm concerned, hey, talk your shit

"How To Lose Friends And Alienate People"?

The most decisive revelation of the finale? Jack is a fucking dick.

I don't think she was saying the only way to keep a woman with you is through materialistic and patriarchal gestures. I think she was ›speaking to a specific (if typical) scenario where a man hedges deeper commitment to a woman that he knows wants exactly that, until she gets fed up and walks. Which is a valid

I think Lisa knew, if not Nate himself, then how he felt about her all along. She hoped the marriage would deepen and strengthen and make mutual what had been a one-sided love. Of course it didn't, but it's infinitely understandable why she hoped it might. I own the box set, and I've found Lisa more and more

Very true. Fixed it.

That moment you realize you're a gay black man and you've just watched a show that, in terms of screen time and competent plotting, ended its run completely fucking over not just its sole gay male character but also just about every black character as well…

But she did attempt (and somewhat succeed at) an outright vampire genocide complete with concentration camps and supremacist militia so…

Everyone knows True Blood specialized in man-ass above all else. In this it is a landmark.