
I love Lost. My only complaint with how it ended is the high ratio of mythological/supernatural in it. I didn't expect every loose end to be tied, but I did want a more grounded, less fantastical scenario for its endgame.

I said the same damn thing on this very site. They fucked it up and hollowed it out like nothing since The Matrix sequels.

In the interest of balance, some good moments from this dismal-ass season, in no particular order:

The strongest actor (Nelsan Ellis) and arguably the most beloved character on this show got an out-of-focus and entirely mute cameo while Steve Fucking Newlin gets a gleeful send-off chock full of dialogue? Bill gets a tragically noble True Death for acting like a fucking Walton? Jessica and Hoyt get married after

I see what you did there.

The ultimatum was a bit premature, to say the least. But we don't have time for 'reasonable'. We've got nostalgic fucking to do!

Thank you. And Nelsan and Nathan are SO hot together. It's such a waste- they're the sexiest and most interesting couple on the show and they bury them for the eye-rolling, star-crossed bullshit of Sookie and Bill- which everyone stopped caring about three or four seasons ago.

Didn't take too much bone to get Ginger to the finish line- do we credit Eric or the damn-near 20 year wait?

I give up, I don't care, I have lost grasp of all of my fucks w/r/t just about everyone and everything on this show.

They took time to focus on sepia-toned and irrelevant (i.e. Bill's flashbacks) so why not take time for quietly happy?

Honestly, I'm fine with this season because the past 3 or 4 were so utter absolute hateful shit, that this couldn't be any worse.

I'm saying I don't give a shit about Lettie Mae and, with 3 episodes left, I'd much rather they focus on Lafayette and James-especially since the show has fucked with and jerked around the former almost as much as Tara. Happiness for L&J, fuck being backburnered for the stupidest redemption arc of all time!

Lafayette has been babysitting Lettie Mae's obnoxious ass since the night of the party where he and James hooked up- which means that, apart from the two times James gave them his blood (which took all of 30 seconds), they haven't been together, let alone had any privacy. And after the multi-episode buildup to that

Lettie Mae wasn't "fixed" in sobriety. In fact, after she got sober she abandoned Tara again, this time in a drunk tank (even though she herself had been bailed out of the very same place by Tara countless times before). And after she became the Reverend's wife, she denounced Tara altogether for being a vampire.

Small comfort, I know. But here you go.

I don't need another sex scene (at least not like that last one), but there is great ease and chemistry in the interactions between Ellis and Parsons- and Lafayette is just about the only character I give a fuck about now. I want a happy ending for him.

I knew it at the start of the V-trip that they were not going to kill Lettie Mae, but rather redeem her; I did not know they would do so at the expense of the sole molecule of dignity left to the character of Tara.

It's never been Paquin's fault - she's actually good when she's given something decent to work with. It was the serial tsunamis of bad logic and shit writing that overtook the latter half of the series that's made Sookie so insufferable.

Lafayette is worth saving as long as they get Lettie Mae the fuck away from him and James back on him.

This is without a doubt the worst season of True Blood ever. You would think the writers would try to conjure up an appropriately batshit frenzy for the end of a Southern fried vampire/faerie/supernatural clusterfuck, but nope. Just a slow, dull slide into "Why the fuck am I still watching this bullshit?"