
I was stunningly bored by this episode. Just damn near comatose when I wasn't vaguely angry. The sheer level of storytelling incompetence was staggering and, apart from Arlene's baffled O-face, even the intentional comedy was wildly miscalculated. Jason's insistent (if guilt-ridden) horniness for Hoyt's new girl

Just this season?

Exactly. Pretty much any newish character apart from James might as well walk onscreen, face the camera, say "Hi, I'm a plot point!" and recede into the background until their moment comes up.

Wesley is a terrific actress and it's certainly not her fault the writers were fucking clueless as to how to evolve Tara as a character (not to mention how to kill her off).

Boring familial drama with Andy and Holly. V-trip far less fantastical and elaborate than the ones presented in Season 1, even with the Tara cameo. Bill running a clerical errand so dull and technical I flashed on The Phantom Menace. James and Lafayette not fucking. Lettie Mae still breathing and flailing, Nicole

It's not perfect, but it's pretty damn good.

The Lettie Mae/Lafayette V-trip is clearly meant to indicate that Tara From Beyond will play a part in the endgame of the series; I only wish I trusted the writers to make this compelling apart from the welcome return of Rutina Wesley. And though I love Adina Porter as an actress, the character of Lettie Mae is just

From a gay man: you're not wrong about the Somerhalder semi-hypnosis, Miles. The only problem is that he seems to play a smarmy, whiny dick in everything he's in.

This was just a circle jerk of elitism and flat-out cruelty. I can't stand the Dave Matthews Band, but making some glib dig at the ATV-related death of their saxophonist wouldn't make me a sophisticate. It would make me a shallow, callous asshole undeserving of any friends to plague with my bloodless 'good' taste.

The absurdism of wealthy arch-conservatives being set upon by tatooed Japanese gangsters is +5000 funny to me. Would this be funny in real life? No. But we're talking about a TV show. A TV show about vampires. Lighten up.

That's very true- I'm not claiming the moral high ground for James and Lafayette in this instance. But then again, Jessica turned right around and fucked someone else's boyfriend immediately afterwards so it's kind of hard to feel that bad for her. The bottom line: Jessica's supposed to be with Jason and Lafayette's

That House is winning. They're always winning.

Um, remember how utterly sexless their time together was? I think they got one V-driven and fully clothed makeout session to rep their entire relationship. And then Lafayette was possessed by a medium gone evil and proceeded to stab Jesus through the heart. The tiptoeing chaste bullshit with them was completely out

I just wish it hadn't taken 7 seasons of every other character getting fucked up, down, left, right and sideways before they got around to tending to Lafayette. But I shall pick nits no further.

As awesome as it was to see Lafayette and James and Jason and Jessica hook up/reunite, they probably should have waited until they were further than 100 yards from their respective partners before fucking. High probability of awkward otherwise is all I'm saying.

Agreed, but you can't claim a boyfriend (or a girlfriend) and then basically ignore them for months and expect to keep said boyfriend/girlfriend. Which is not to say it makes it right, just understandable.

I think they're trying to remind the audience of Bill's innate gooddudeness after years of mythic douchery. Which is unnecessary and extra tedious.

At least this time they were under the influence of tequila and not maenad .

+10000 for Lafayette and James smashing! Bonus points for La's speech, which precisely articulated the problem I had with the show's formerly kid-gloves handling of his sexuality. +1000 for Pam's "Republicunt" and "Like getting kicked in the cooch by a wallaby". +1000 for Eric's cowboy hat and bolo tie. +5000 for

The only emotionally impactful thing about Tara's unceremonious off-screen death for me was how it reignited my utter disbelief at the writers' incompetence with that character (not to mention their incompetence with battle scenes in general). But that's me.