
So how many invented strains of hepatitis does this show have?

Yeah, the humor was so flat and repetitive it reminded me of…a recent episode of SNL.

Sez Wiki: Johns explained writing "Tomorrow": "I saw on SBS once this documentary about a poor guy that takes a rich guy to a poor persons' hotel to experience what it's like being a poor person and that. And the rich guy is complaining to get out and that, and he has to wait 'til tomorrow to get out of the hotel".

Yeah, you remember the nesting trio of vampires that the rednecks burned (and eventually were killed by Eric?) One of the humans they held as a sex slave had Hep V and Sookie read his mind and warned Bill not to feed on him. It was all so innocent then. Sigh.

Fair enough on the two decades of mind-rape and servitude. I just kind of threw it on the 'everyone's an asshole on this show' pile, but it really is pretty fucked up.

Nelsan Ellis is so great in the role; it's a shame the writers have mostly wasted him. They made him cowed and all but sexless post-Season 1. Until Jesus, that is- and then they had him die at his hands! I'm glad he's got his sass back now, but I'll be even happier if he hooks up with James. He deserves a happy

In Season 1 they explained that humans are carriers and nothing more for the virus. But at that point Hep V wasn't fatal to vampires- the fatal strain was created by the scientists at the compound. At least, I think that's how it happened. Let us not get too detail-oriented with this show.

I just saw Marshall Allman (Tommy) at Trader Joe's! And, yes, that smile and that ass translates off-camera.

The writers kept her around for her lungs. Girl could scream.

I hope Lafayette gets to do it. Preferably with 70s funk playing in the background.

Yeah, but Kenya's always been a model of competence and levelheadedness, both within the department and just generally on this show. Turning her into yet another torch-wielding villager was as bullshit a choice as killing Tara off-screen.

Yeah, but it was such a completely dead-on Pam thing to do I laughed instead.

Wow, what a difference a week makes. Enjoyable across the board- Sookie didn't make me want to throw her out of a moving car even once. And how insanely hot did Nathan Parsons look this episode? Him and Nelsan Ellis need to do this thing already.

Honestly, as soon as I saw that bullshit Season 1 finale I was like "Done!"

Good to know. I felt I might simply be riding the hate train, but when I was watching the episode I actually said to myself "I don't care! Get back to Lafayette and James and 70s funk! Just kill the mob and get it over with, they're all disposable sheep assholes anyway!"

I'll second that. Though the steep decline of Heroes wasn't Ventimiglia's fault, he was equally whiny in Gilmore Girls- but, to be fair, that might not have been his fault either. Whatever. Parsons has a faint Australian accent and therefore gets the W.

People, people. Ryan Kwanten, Joe Manganiello, Alexander Skarsgard, Nelsan Ellis, Nathan Parsons…we're talking varying degrees of goddamn! here. No need to argue.

I'm as gay as they come, and though I normally don't go in for the muscle-bound and manscaped, the first time Alcide took his shirt off I was like "Fuck. Uncle."

I could see that if Sookie hadn't outstripped Tara in the 'Most Nerve-Shredding Lead' category by a country mile three seasons ago. But, at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if the writers were completely unaware how off-putting they've made Sookie so you could be on to something.

Is it me or was this the worst constructed/sequenced episode of this show there has ever been? The 5 compelling minutes of the script were chopped up around utter dogshit and boring dead ends. Look, if Alcide isn't naked, I don't give a fuck. You could pretty much kill everyone in town and I wouldn't look up from