
Not necessarily, but liberal white people laughing at a nigga moment that was written by black people for the express purpose of being laughed at seems just fine.

I can't even hear Sia's "Breathe Me" without getting a little choked up. :)

By "objectively best" I was being somewhat facetious. There's no such thing in art, only critical consensus- so, all the other aforementioned shows are better regarded critically (not that it's by any means derided). For me personally, however, Six Feet Under reaches me the most out of any of those shows, despite

I just meant shows like The Wire, The Sopranos, Breaking Bad etc. that had near-flawless total runs. Season 4 of Six Feet Under was pretty uneven (I hated the Keith-back-in-the-closet storyline particularly) and here and there the plotting got repetitive/ill-advised. However, I've never emotionally connected to a

It's Britishness will hopefully value brevity.

On the plus side of the last few dismal seasons: I was shocked at how much I liked Maggie Grace's Faith. She brought some genuine complexity and gravity to a role that could have been yet another Hank-enabling accessory to chaos.

Well, Edie Falco is definitely bringing her A-game (as always) and this season's finale is the darkest bit of reckoning Jackie's ever been subject to. But, ultimately, logic dictates that she would have been fired and stripped of her license at least two, maybe three seasons ago. Which, BTW, was also when Hank's

Oh, I'm thinking the full-on Blue Is The Warmest Color Buzzfeed listicle of operatic pounding with the two of them. I mean it would pretty much have to be, right?

And who's to say just one of them got penetrated?

Six Feet Under Seasons 1-3 were glorious, Season 4 was muddled, and Season 5 was hard-to-watch in the good way (though they laid the tragedy on a little thick, to say the least). It's still my favorite show, though I know there are objectively better ones out there.

The Jason and Eric bodice-ripper scene was ridiculous and hot and ridiculous and hot all over again. Arlene's manic desperation was indeed hilarious thanks to Preston's impeccable delivery. Lafayette calling Lettie Mae out on her bullshit was too brief but fantastic. Sookie's simpering diary narration made me want

Debates centered around musical taste where both sides lob righteous insults and irrelevant factoids at the other as if musical taste were not an inherently subjective thing are definitely in the running for my own personal pop culture hellscape.

Season 2 had that falling-down-the-rabbit-hole quality I most love about Lost. But Seasons 4 and 5 has that very same quality in spades paired with a sense of momentum and some truly holy-shit moments. Also, I thought the time travel trope- which so many threw up their hands at- revitalized the show tremendously.

As soon as I saw that bullshit Season 1 finale, I was like "Done!"

Agreed. And this part of the same episode had me and my boyfriend at the time rolling.

I mentioned my identity because the issue of whether who's telling the joke makes a difference was raised in the comment I was responding to. As for 'betrayal', The Boondocks is more than just a cartoon to a lot of people here and they feel like it's diminished now; that's why there's such a lively debate going on.

Gay black man here. Two points: Yes, if Aaron McGruder (or, in this case, Rodney Barnes) was gay the attempted humor here would be less uncomfortable. That's just the way humor works; if Jerry Seinfeld did Bring The Pain he'd be less employable than Michael Richards now; if Paul Thomas Anderson directed a Nicole

I'm all about Season 2. Now that was batshit you could get behind.

True Blood has always been a batshit show- the orgiastic, literally Dionysian excesses of Season 2 made perhaps the most absurd season of television ever conceived. But it was also gloriously entertaining and compelling all the way to the end. These past few seasons have been almost as absurd but also muddled and

Yep. Instead of the usual immediate progression into next season's clusterfuck, Season 6 fast-forwarded six months from when Warlow was staked and all the vampires day-walked out of the compound. I only remember because HBO marathoned it this weekend. Remember when this show was fun and unpredictably batshit