
Agreed. Heathers has a madness to it that feels appropriately inappropriate for the genre.

I Know Who Killed Me 2: Obviously

I like Mean Girls a lot, but smack up against Heathers or even Jawbreaker it just doesn't have the conviction to go all-the-way evil (which we all know high school satire requires). And even then, Lohan is hardly the standout- that honor goes to Lizzy Caplan.

22 years and not even close to a bad record. Supergenius.

I will say that 2 Broke Girls is not as much of an epic clusterfuck of bad taste and sexual politics as Sex and The City 2 .

And I you, good sir. PJ Harvey is my favorite musician.

Why yes it is, Lord Luncan.

Bald-faced misogyny dressed up as girl-power "edginess" gives 2 Broke Girls the W.

When was Lohan a 'great actress'? I'm not trying to be cruel, but did I overlook some masterful turn she did in some little-seen indie film? I'm thinking her notoriety is the only commodity she has left to sell, and that that notoriety is more distinct than any skill she possessed before it.

I didn't like how he framed the argument as 'Hey, we're both equally awful, so let's work it out'. It was not just manipulative, it was complete bullshit, so that's what I responded to. Every single character on this show is flawed- even Will got nasty and petty and vindictive- and though Peter's hardly an

Correction, Governor Florrick: Alicia is a selfish bitch only some of the time. You, however, are a smug prick all of the time.

I think the perceived life-and-death stakes for a soapy TV melodrama are significantly less high than in real life, so I wouldn't take the people calling for Fitz's head too seriously. He's just petulant and annoying and all but useless outside his station; Mellie may be a world-class bitch, but she's a world-class

I said the same thing about Mellie later on with Monsieur T, adding that caveat that Fitz made the very same Faustian bargain (with far less sacrifice, it must be said). So if both of them understand the terms, why does Fitz get to fuck Olivia but Mellie can't have Andrew? That's just how guys think, you say, and

No character, on television or elsewhere, has to be a paragon of temperance and virtue in order to be sympathetic. In fact, that would be probably get irritating quickly. But something about Fitz's mixture of passivity, petulance, arrogance, and buck-passing really puts me (and quite a few others) off. And just

I didn't say the writers fucked up here. I said Fitz is a dick. People doing illogical, destructive and hypocritical shit is what real life is made of. I simply called out the illogical, destructive hypocrisy of the character, not the characterization.

What's your problem? I didn't say anything that contradicts what you have said. I certainly didn't say the writers made a mistake in their characterization of Fitz. I said Fitz was a hypocritical asshole. That being an hypocritical asshole is typical of alpha males is immaterial, as you might put it.

I never said Fitz's reaction wasn't real, just that it was a dick move. And Olivia isn't a stranger; knowing Dad is fucking the lady he's still working with to this day is hardly the least destructive option for infidelity…

My problem with the return of Jimmy/Steve/Jack isn't that it's bad storytelling per se; it's that, at this point, it's unnecessary- no offense to Justin Chatwin. His character will have to have evolved enormously for him to make any sense in the Gallaghers' lives next season. That said, the range and maturity of this

Fair enough, man. Peace. :)

Yeah, Mellie will hardly be destitute should she walk away from Fitz but her ambitions remain for the top tier of government. So, for the time being, she has to play the game and strike the poses if she's to have any chance at an 'executive branch' future for herself.