
That's what I was saying, just not in so many words. Nobody here is winning any personality contests, but Fitz is a fucking hypocrite par excellence. If you have been banging your campaign manager for years, the only thing you should do when your wife gets hers is shut the fuck up.

Because it's her political prospects as well. Hillary didn't leave Bill; standing by her man, archaic notion though it is, enabled the continuing goodwill of the public and therefore the subsequent phases of her career. If Mellie leaves Fitz, the ensuing scandal (ahem) would permanently destroy both of their

But divorcing him would destroy his career, and- as has been clearly indicated by the show- his career is the result of (and is fundamentally intertwined with) many people's efforts, Mellie's included. So destroying his presidency would hurt both of them. Is having an affair to stay sane, in the face of a husband who

Not entitled. But it's certainly understandable. People are entitled not to be made to suffer for another. People are entitled to keep themselves sane within a marriage; if the rules were changed/disregarded with one party then- sorry for the cliche- turnabout is, in fact, fair play.

I NEVER SAID YOU WERE DEFENDING FITZ!!! So what's the proper conduct for Mellie then? Swallow it and suffer? Divorce him (which, BTW would be even more hostile than adultery in this case because getting dumped by his wife would certainly destroy his political career)? What's your clean hands solution?

So what's a proper analogy? (BTW, I didn't insult your argument, I simply disagreed with it)

So a man walking down the street shoots a man walking the opposite direction. The shot man then pulls his gun from his waistband and shoots the man who shot him. You can argue that they're both violent if you want to, but you can't really argue that one wasn't in perfectly reasonable reaction to the other. The man

Everyone's a terrible person on this show. We were talking about marriage here. If we expand the scope, not one main character is not going to hell.

I don't think Mellie is a saint. I just think she is far less hypocritical than Fitz. She does a lot less bullshit hand-wringing about who and what she is and what she wants. She does not pretend to be honorable and righteous the way Fitz does. For me, Fitz being pissed at Mellie for fucking the VP nominee is as

And I'm speechless that you're speechless at my speechlessness. You'd have every right to be "over the moon with rage" about your wife having an affair, but not if you'd been fucking your fixer/campaign manager for years and had told your wife that you don't love her anymore. I find it impossible to understand how

I'm almost speechless. Mellie's been eating shit from Fitz almost from the onset of their marriage. He was willing to trash his presidency in order to continue his affair with Olivia- the only reason he didn't was because Olivia convinced him not to. Mellie sleeps with a guy she had a connection with a few times and

Fitz has been fucking Olivia for years. The hypocrisy of him taking umbrage at Mellie's affair- especially when he has so blatantly rubbed his indiscretions in her face the whole time- is off-the-charts. Fitz would only be able justify being such a 'raging prick' to his wife if he hadn't already been one for the

I know this is almost a year later, but I have to interject that Hoyt wasn't enraged that Lisa was ending things, he was terrified that Lisa would tell Barbara about the affair. She wanted to make a clean break and she apparently thought she had to come clean to her sister to do so. Hoyt: "I couldn't let her tell

I believe 'glamorization' is the word you're looking for.

It felt like this episode was a pause to survey rock bottom for Fiona, as opposed to tracking her precipitous decline. In that, it was brilliant. As for Frank, I find this finally "falling up" by sinking so low kind of perfect. Onward to the finale!

Respect to Jeff Perry for the most gutting ugly cries since Edie Falco as Carmela in The Sopranos (after Tony was shot by Uncle Junior). And yes, great episode. Almost operatic in its absurdity, but affecting nonetheless.

My favorite parodic headline about Snoop Dogg:

That was brilliant.

Everyone's missing the point. If you're gonna do batshit melodrama, you have to go all in with the batshit melodrama. And, goddamn, did they go all in. As soon as I heard Sally's 'piggy' rant I knew this would be one hell of a ride.

It was great to see Lip and Fiona semi-reconcile at the end. But the return of Ian and the slow thaw of Mickey was the heart of this episode, and the money shot of the whole season so far. Plus, manic-depressive or not, Ian looks amazing.