
The same to you, dear lad. Hopefully you are not so terribly hungover from last night's festivities that you can't enjoy whatever's up tonight.

Anytime, kid. :)

Nothing much to it, except that Soren repeatedly pledged allegiance to Daniel Johns- and I'm pretty sure he was 15 at the time. I was 15 at the time, and thought it was fucking weird. I'll say this much, though; he's definitely hot now.

Tabitha Soren had a thing for that kid (and I do mean kid at the time) from Silverchair. That was awkward.

I remember that one vividly. That was some of the most amazing television on MTV ever. Madonna was so pissed.

This is true.

Agreed. Juno's preciousness I attributed to a writer's first work. Jennifer's Body I attribute to sophomore slump. Tara and Young Adult seems like Cody hitting her stride.

1995 and 1996 were amazing as well.

In my humble estimation, if people leave your life there's probably a good reason for it. And yeah, that's Diablo Cody's best film easily (though, unlike many, I don't hate Juno).

Yes, OK Computer was. Also, Cornershop's When I Was Born For The Seventh Time, Bjork's Homogenic, Sleater-Kinney's Dig Me Out, Missy Elliot's Supa Dupa Fly- pretty fucking good year, actually.

33 and a third, kid. I'm actually joking about the age thing; people who feel life is over at their 10 year high school reunion are too shallow for words and deserve to have peaked too long ago to have appreciated it at the time.

I got into the biggest cyber-brawl with folks over on the Stranger website w/r/t the 'man up' thing. I personally hate it when people use it to shame people, but I think specifying 'man up' and 'woman up' takes the sociopolitical bullshit out of it by equalizing the terms and not prizing the masculine.

You had hip parents. The Radiohead thing makes me feel extra ancient- I was the editor of my high school newspaper's entertainment section and I named OK Computer my favorite record of the year (I stand by that). You were probably five.

I've been cooking for my family (and for fun) since I was twelve. It's how I consummate new friends and lovers as well- cooking is one of the few things I've got an ego about.

Moroccan spiced lamb. Tikka masala's pretty common and jerk chicken can be overwhelming for some. Have Toasted Head Chardonnay- it's around $10 a bottle in CA and worth way more.

I know. It's like Samuel L. Jackson not winning an Oscar for Pulp Fiction.

It's just the seduction of the cinema- like how The Godfather made you care about and root for completely despicable people.

The aunt is not really her aunt. In her bureau, there's a file about Operation: Andromeda, the second phase of which is Operation: Remington…

Yes, in which Cyrus forgets he's an asshole. And it turns out Olivia… is the Evil Twin! It turns out the good one now stars in Tyler Perry movies and, after years with the wrong man, now only dates salt-of-the-earth Democrats with the approval of her tell-her-like-it-is, out-of-control aunt!

Or calling one of the mobsters on The Sopranos sweet because they only whacked a couple of folks in six seasons.