
Keep your fingers crossed for a historical three-way between Rowan, Fitz's dad, and a pre-Christianity Sally leading to the birth and subsequent abandonment of a child who turns out to be…Jake?!

That's not saying much.

That's unfortunate.

American Horror Story has the art film at its base. Scandal has the soap opera at its base. From this springs the crazy.

Enjoy your evening, kid. And here is something moody and mid-tempo, for your return:

I knew her personal assistant, who said she is as charming and funny as she is obnoxious. She called her time with her the most interesting job she ever had.

Live Through This is a great record, but Love never struck me as entirely…sociable. Kathleen Hanna (feminist lead singer/guitarist of Bikini Kill and Le Tigre) was once punched out by Love. I remember Spin saying anyone who could piss her off that much must by doing something right. Oh, Le Tigre is also a great

That is awesome.

Babes In Toyland were childhood friends of yours?

No it's not. Interestingly, that was exactly what I thought Ian McKellan would look like.

And as a token of my appreciation, this one's for you:

Holy shit. Mirren, Colbert, and Walken were banging. So was Martha Stewart! Holy shit.

That kind of reminds me of Killer Condom, which is actually pretty funny and clever. Not parental in the least, though (obviously).

I love Shameless (the American version, I haven't seen the original), and as for the age issue, they addressed it in a conversation between Ian and Lip where the older brother swore he nearly called the cops on the 30-something store owner Ian was sleeping with. Ian insists he was old enough to make his own decision;

Sadly, no. I'm looking forward to more programs that feature three-dimensional queer characters with more going on than just their queerness.

Quinto's a lucky man, or at least he was- though I have no type per se, hot nerds are pretty much right in my wheelhouse and Groff looks especially good here. And if Andrew Haigh is helming it, I'm on board.


What A Cluster…?

No need to apologize, you shady, toxic, wounded, potentially murderous headcase.

Yeah, every thing/person she does is sneaky/scandalous.