Laura Ann

He's only 23 this is his debut album give the guy time to grow up fool. But no, at this point and time he is not. And many who are asking the question are being sarcastic dingleberry. Also, rock doesn't need saving as long as we have the classics dingleberry.

No two pennies people actually believe it or not like Harry Styles and you don't have to but don't make like it's impossible for someone to not only like him but also like his music. I think when you have old rock legends tweeting you expressing how much they like your debut solo album then you're doing something

So…why was the hot guy killed off? Just kidding. The guy who sacrificed himself for his girlfriends crew was a great addition to the show, and I can't help but to wonder what he would have done if, the blonde haired chick had caught up to him and transferred the light into him making him "King" of "whatever." The new