
It's the best TV show I've seen. The dialogue in a single episode is miles beyond what most shows accomplish in a whole series run. And the characterization is also top-notch. There's nothing like it. Better than the Wire, which belaboured its characterization with its apparently O-so-necessary refinements of

Love the King Lear moments with the theatre troup. Langrish is one of the funnest characters on TV.

Survivor loves these extreme personalities. Sometimes I think the problem is fundamentally tied to the nature of reality television. Survivor can't have a slough of genuinely decent people. That doesn't keep the viewer there to look at the new Kleenex add. They'll just turn to the Presidential debates, a form of

Oh, most definitely are those Tai tears altruistically spent. If Tai were being being hurt himself, he would just scream, I think. Yah, he seems like a screamer.

I actually remember that AV club post too. Funny when the review becomes more memorable than the episode it was reviewing.

Yah over something petty and nonsensical. Then we can have a pointless fight. Sometimes I actually like random fighting in Survivor. With this tribe, seems like a good idea.

This is well reasoned. Cabby's got my vote for top psychologist.

Yah, really, lie to ME? You came on Survivor expecting to not be lied to?

Brawn better cry Niagara or I'm not showing up next week.

Serenity now, serenity now…don't shoot me!

A fair form to behold.

My friends…here in my closet…
woops…meant to show you that later…

Yes, but if he's truly psychopathic, then he's consequently at least a bit less in the wrong then we've been making him out to be, seeing as he would have no capacity at all to empathize with anyone at any time. Morality would be a highly artificial logic to him. One that others would have argued him into here and

Dan was a rarified motherfucker. At least he was somewhat repentant by the end of the season. He got castigated , in front of the live audience, for his different indecencies. There was someone else on that tribe that deserved more than he did - but I forgot whom.

Then again seeing his fat and not fit body shivering as his mouth bellows pain, pain sounds like a very, very good episode to me. Regardless of whether he gets evacd or not. Then again he'd probably suck up whatever misery he was going through and make it not interesting for us.

Editing now, editing now…

But Alicia thought she did. And wouldn't Cidney want to have nurtured that? And she told the boys, so they knew. But jay-jay had to go in storm trooper mode.

Yah, I did like that he described himself that way. He seems like he could have been a player that could have slid by more easily in other tribes. But not with the one that requires emotional authenticity above all else.

Wish Joe could find a solid and less dangerous friend on the Brains tribe. He and Neal need to hook up. These two seem like they could potentially be easy to root for and good winning material down the road.

THIS. It's really all what we think about them anyway that makes them who they are.