
Yes, and totally deserved. Somehow, I think it would be more satisfying still because her game hasn't been that good actually, and she kind of deserved to go. It's like watch a puppy with a bunch of mastiffs shit on their dinner plate every day and somehow come out clean. When the puppy pooves on, I can only smile.

This should become an AV club meme on Survivor boards. Every comment slowly ends with something to the effect of, "well I could never get on anyway."

I was also hoping that Brawn would continue their implosion. I have no idea why really. I think I just like the idea of tribes dying slow painful deaths week after week. Their first vote was so nonsensical too, voting out Darnell over Alicia.

I feel a tribe like that will very quickly turn on any player who wants to be in or definitely looks like they are in control. They're all afraid of being manhandled by Rob-types. They don't want to be put-on. And she may be like that I think.

I like that hot Anna and the rest don't like him. They all find his smile off and not genuine. And this was pointed out right after they had Nick say it's about showing up with the right face. Really, the editors had it made.

Yes, moulding the Adamic Survivor creation contestant to his will. He was on the verge of talking Godfatherish, which is old, old territory for Survivorcontestanttalk.

Liz said the second thing too. Neither of them look good, even though he looks worse. Really was an editor's dream of an episode.

Agreed. If he's hiding a mangy, creep side, he's doing a remarkably good job. He seems altruistically (he knows he's being and looking selfless here I think) bemused at Tai. Whatever he does he's just able to accept. Nick, though has the arrogance of someone on the Brains tribe, and it looks like he's going to pay

Dude's build is like slightly buffer Obama, pureed with a higher, less resonant voice. With no filter.

Don't remember it either actually. He said some things like it though.

I think he's thinking he's in company worthy of him. "Oh, you guys…" Meanwhile, everyone's like, "You douche…"

Yah, his lines really are kind of remarkable, in a perverse way. Plus he smiled when he got blindsided. Something about the whole situation seems genuinely comic.

I thought it was great too. And it largely happened because Jason felt it was time to show the world how a "bounty hunter" finds an idol. Well…now we know.

She may have deduced it…or like Peter and Liz, she just doesn't like being told what to do. And so she did what she wanted to, to show them. May not be social intelligence.

Her exit comments were good.

And yet she had the same false, unwarranted confidence that Peter did from the beginning. Debbie's assessment of her was too cruel and silly and she doesn't have the same degree of egomania that Peter is victim too, but she still was convinced that she was in control - and was just on the verge of talking about it.

I find it interesting that the Brains tribe seems to have made no real attempt to look for the idol, as far as I can remember.

Peter has the remarkable gift of conveying more pound for pound arrogance per utterance than just about any other player on his tribe (which is surprising, considering that Debbie's on his tribe). Completely on board with Jeff's assessment on this tribe and the game: Survivor is a game of, more than anything,

To me it's Archie Comic Books misogyny, a type a bit too rarified for me to take seriously enough to outright hate. To me it just looks kind of pathetic.

I dislike him too. But I did find his hyper-aggressive, "bounty hunterish" approach to getting the idol interesting, even though getting up immediately nearly threw Cidney under the bus (because Alicia of course saw that she sat down and they immediately got up - maybe kind of suspicious).