Puff off!
Puff off!
That kind of comment might have worked in a tribe of villains or of people who aren't really villains who are trying to be villains, but in a camp of bros and wanna-be-beefcakes, with stupid ideas about loyalty, trust, honor in a game, not to mention a stupid idea that Survivor is essentially a challenge game, it was…
That would be tight.
Amens to that.
Seriously. Neal seems alright, and I might have said the same thing matter of factly in dialogue as well, because that is the most natural, least painful way of falling into an alliance. No one wants a strained alliance. Nevertheless, here's to hoping Joe makes challenges look like cake walks.
Hahaha. Yah, it is a surprisingly close call. I think I might put my vote on Elizabeth, too, though it is tough. Michelle has a pointy face, while Elizabeth's sometimes seems disproportionately plump.
Wait, I'm getting confused. I thought the Trump supporter was Alicia. Or are they both?
I stand corrected. It's unfortunate that I'm too stupid to catch on to the funny use of a rare word. That he's a hick and that there are a lot of stupid people like me, doesn't help, I think. Will correct above.
I guess I do agree that there are situations that it can work. But it seems to be bringing only ugly things out in most tribes.
Guages are a choice, and a bad one.
Editing the above list now….
Guy has giraffe neck. Neck seems like at least a foot high.
Decent People List
1) Neal Gottlieb - right now my favorite, cool, calm and socially aware, kind of player that I like.
2) Tai - charming for seeming like he is on a whole other world psychologically, plus, someone on Survivor willing to go on and on about the need to embrace all life is too weird and out-of-place to…
Agreed. Survivor can't speak English, once again.
I was kinda glad to see the Brains win, as it seems to be a "thing" to watch tribes like that implode. But honestly, everybody is more than decently fit on that tribe. They seem like strong contenders in challenges.
Well, at least this is interesting, and to top it off, that is a trait that actually matters in Survivor. So, go Nick, I guess.
Douchebag role call top 6 contenders:
7) Dr. PETER BAGGENSTOS (OBAMA), who just seems like he will be annoying, even if he hasn't fully shown those colors yet, lo siento to the baggenstos fans out there as he perhaps doesn't yet deserve to be on the list
6) Scott Pollard - NBA guy, with obscenely long and powerful…
To be fair, he's always admitted that his criterion of selection is extensively limited, even mired in, by his ability to read in the languages. How can you really gauge anything that comes from that period without reading Chinese? This is why he called that list, which he manufactured at the request of his…
I think he may have actually said that about Ran, which I love very much and which does give us much of the spirit of that play in a way not really communicable any more in most modern productions (the nobility and genuine pathos of Lear the character himself - modern audiences are inclined to sympathize with Goneril,…