Don't know if numbercruncher is being sarcastic here (he should be - his comment seems too patently wrong otherwise). I'm more with Susan Drummond here, but I think Peter has changed, just not a ton. We do have some type of reformed Peter here
Don't know if numbercruncher is being sarcastic here (he should be - his comment seems too patently wrong otherwise). I'm more with Susan Drummond here, but I think Peter has changed, just not a ton. We do have some type of reformed Peter here
Ultimately Keith is too blame for the crazy Tasha vote, but on some level, Spencer and Jeremy, making the plans, should have communicated them to Keith at some point. And yet it seems Jeremy had other plans anyway.
But Keith was sort of in a future alliance with Joe, had Joe gone on. Plus Keith is so much more likeable than Abi.
The Spencer-has-emotions-now-thanks-to-the-beauty-of-Survivor theme is extremely tedious. Unfortunately, I can't entirely blame the editors, as Spencer seems to have taken every criticism he's ever received about taking things too rationally and logically to heart. This seems unfair to Spencer's character, and in…
Joe's argument was highly counterintuitive, and seemed to hinge on the idea that Abby would be so attractive a person to take along, that for the good of everybody and the good of Survivor, we should chuck her. Agreed that it wasn't the best approach, even though that contradicts what I said above.
Thanks for helping me discover the awesome actual words to this song I've heard all my life. What a great song.
Thought everybody basically made the right and inevitable move today, and that Joe made as good an argument as he could ever make in such a desperate position. Unfortunately, the roughness of its presentation seems to have cost whatever remaining amiability he might have shared with Abby Maria and Kelley.
I find that, interestingly, I will get into these moments, no matter how cliched they are, if I stare at the screen long enough. It so happens, however, that when these moments come along, I invariably feel the need to pull away with a grimace on my face and one thought in my head: "Survivor: once again making light…
"Did we need to see Spencer and his girlfriend say “I love you” every time? I think we did not." I love this comment and am in total agreement with it. As a a human being, I can sympathize with all of these players and understand that they all miss family members, loved ones, etc. But when this appears on…
This has to be at least part of Jeremy's thinking. Where Stephen goes, I go. But he could have convinced Stephen to stay with the big group.
They are logical, but only incessantly, undeniably so, in one person's case - Fishbach's. I think it's much harder to make the case that "the big tribe must split" to Spencer or Jeremy for instance. To take less lynchpin players on the big tribe as an example, to a person like Tasha, this doesn't make a ton of…
Decisions - good voting moves or bad voting moves - the first rating is this vote's effect on long term winning credibility, while the second is getting to the final three
Abi-Maria - alright (weakest member of the three)/good
Ciera - good/good
Kelley - good/good
Stephen - good/good
Kelly and Joe - could they have been…
She might be more likely to receive praise, if (1) she wasn't entirely free to speak about how everyone else in the majority is not killing the game (because she's in the minority alliance so no one in the majority cares what she says) and if (2) she didn't feel the need to talk down to every one at tribal, like…
What was the right move for Spencer? I do not think Jeremy made the best move tonight. But Spencer, how on the bottom was he really? Wouldn't he be able to do something with Jeremy and two other members of his alliance once the other three got voted out? Maybe Latasha, Kelley (for four, and then a some fifth…
I like this sentiment. "His daughter gave him a hat…" He wore it with such a grin too…
But if someone had chased Jeremy…now that would have been drama.
Jeremy has become my favorite player. I can't entirely explain why, other than his willingness to make a move, the power he has with two idols, and a sort of boyish likeability. I guess I'll add, for a bit of a roll call here, a fairly distinct lack of malice (no grudges, but of course no reason for grudges) and not…
To me this is douchey charm. I mean he's out of our minds, being out of the game. And up, there he is, looking just as unbelievably self-confident about nothing as ever.
Agreed with bder19. This season is most definitely above average. I mean even just looking at things from an annoying player standpoint, how many crackpots actually remain? Only Ab-Maria remains, whose stupid tenacity, occasional dumb girliness, and outright ugliness stimulate more interest in me than loathing. …
Challenges, themselves, have become boring to the seasoned Survivor fan. I think part of my admiration of Joe stems from the belief (and I may be beginning to press the Joe praise too heavily now, but of course I don't think so) that Joe is merely another of one of my favorite type of Survivor players. I think the…