The power of Aqua Net compels you.
God, Trump is like sputtering and falling apart dealing with these clowns, can you imagine when Hillary sinks her talons into him? And I use talons not in a sexist way but because I think she is majestic like a bald eagle/America.
You’re correct about everything except the artisinal mayonnaise because obviously we make our own.
“That’s concerning to me because a lot of those people can’t get off for six months—”
To any NCL employees reading this - My wife and I are going on an NCL cruise this spring, and we’d love to bring anything on board that you need. Let me know, and I’ll bring it on board and leave it in the stateroom with a note that it’s for the crew. Won’t be much (I’d rather not have a second suitcase full of…
An IUD is not a wonder method that is suitable for everyone. Mine caused such heavy periods that it literally washed out. When I went to get the progesterone one fitted, the Dr nearly punctured my uterus and advised me against having one in future. All methods of contraception have side effects.
“I love you tonic. I love you gin. I love you limes. How about a threesome? I’ll be quick."
Con artist?
Trump prefers the term *Ponzi Enthusiast*.
Trump is just filling in his Notorious People With Zero Scruples Or Ethics As Long As The Payday Is Good Bingo card:
Don’t forget that the Brother Lovers also have their own bonus jonas.
A disheveled woman in slippers, jeans, and a winter fair isle sweater, JANE, reads these descriptions and despairs. She glances around her home, trudges to the stand of bottles by the window, and, with stunning elegance, opens and swigs from the illegal Cuban rum in one fell swoop. She ponders life in American society…
1. EXT. Cottage by the lake.
Feb 2016. Early morning. Porch. 30something blonde woman bangs on cottage door. Door creeps open. Legend’s face peers out.
GOLDIE: Goddammit. Is this about Fabletics again? If it is, you better consciously uncouple yourself from my porch.
This would never fucking happen on Benson’s watch.
I got to say that sentence once but they were pot dealers.