Kyo Soma A.

Ruggiero. Cause somehow the descendants of Italians have forgotten that as recently as 100 years ago they were considered sub-human especially if they were from southern Italy or Sicily. Maybe should try and remember that before aligning with or taking on the attitude of people that would return you to the ethnic

Fun fact: stagehands are unionized, hired internally among family members (often they will be 3rd/4th generation) and 99.9% are racist misogynist white men from NJ/Long Island/Connecticut who don’t give a flying fuck about theater or opera or whatever they work on.

Main reason I don’t trust Polls. How many people were polled and were they really black.

Oh, I know. But it’s been hours of free entertainment for me.

Nah, Lady Gaga actually has talent to back up her weirdness. That and she didn’t rape a young girl.

Seriously, though, WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?

...the fuck even IS that...?

Black people need to stop co-signing these fucking no talent culture vultures and their fuckery. Also, isn’t this the shithead with the child predator charges looming in the background?

Wow. These children are out here listening to a literal troll!

What’s amazing is that you hijacked the conversation in order to make a point to bolster your own agenda whilst accusing the authors of pushing one themselves.

Well, no. I know you better from other places, but trust me when I tell you that this is not the place you want to come and #NotAllWhitePeople (and yes - it reads that way to me too). Not if you like your own personal backside the shade it is, because Michael will roast it like marshmallows without thinking twice.

I disagree because most of the white actors you named were not trained in our best dramatic schools. As with all things, Black people have to be better and most of the top black actors are true thespians while the white actors are just high school dropouts.

These were his instructors...

You should take the opposite advice of your stupid username.

Don’t be dumb on the internet. We can all see you.

But whatever the problem, we know this had nothing to do with terrorism!

He was an armed police officer who did exactly what he was trained to do. He was not a teacher, a student, a janitor, or a member of a posse’. His actions don’t dilute the “gun control narrative” because we think cops should have guns and be properly trained to use them. However, we don’t think teachers should have

Twenty. One. Bloody. Minutes.

She’s absolutely right. Race is the main reason. The only person Weinstein felt comfortable calling a liar was Lupita Nyong’o. He issued public apologies to Lawrence and Streep for using their names to defend himself. This whole #MeToo movement has largely left out Black women because people don’t think we can be