Kyo Soma A.

I think what you just said is really beautiful, and sweet. As long as she knows (you talk to her about that, while making the effort to improve your way of life together) think she would understand. The actions you stated as her SO shows your commitment to her. Mr Kyo and I went through some rough spots regarding

I literally did not know who the hell that person is. If he has to do an Instagram post to make himself feel better, since he has no talent. Welp, congrats to him, he’s accomplished nothing.

I honestly don’t really know why. I think it’s to make themselves feel better or to create a barrier to justify their racism. I have said this before in previous posts but Irish people from the motherland really take issue with their Irish-American counterparts. They are embarrassed / ashamed by them most of the

You did! That’s basically what I am saying. =)

Just saying, never forget.

I take it you are going with the “LA LA LA not Listening” stance, then actually trying to understand the a deep seated problem within the feminist ideology. It is a problem, someone is presenting the problem to you and the immediate reaction isn’t, “shit I should look into this.” It’s what about me. Ok. Here you go!

Needs more stars!

The new season of High Maintenance just started so I think I am going to say no to her special. Sry.

Ha, That’s true.

My question is Did the USA ever have one to begin with? I mean the history here pre puritan colonization tells us otherwise.

“This movie is like a ham sandwich and sometimes a ham sandwich is just a ham sandwich. No need to ponder on the how, what, and why the ham sandwich is made or asking a 50-question survey on why I liked the ham sandwich. Let me enjoy it and move on.” COTD? I think so! I’m not going to watch this right now but you are

I could sense troll, but he could be a 14 year old that actually doesn’t know. I’m taking a risk.

At 6:08 - 6:10 you can see her roll her eyes. It’s pretty blatant that she doesn’t give a shit. But that’s Trump women, and that’s the Wallace government they wanted. Yeah this black guy can grandstand but I don’t give a shit.

I didn’t even read Caps Lock guy. It was too eye strain. Michael, you are the best and feel better soon!!!

It actually is a systematic problem. So yes Math via public education is about race. If you like to learn more information about it. Please see the link. I mean it would be awesome if teachers just taught math, but when you factor in that some teachers have prejudice attitudes towards students thus hindering their

True, but they don’t stay. Not knocking, just saying. Loved her in Inland Empire.

I wish I could start this 100 more times. Fantastic article.

You are a child of the 70's (woo!!! fab music, fashion eh, except for the emerald city sequence in the Wiz). I am from the land of the 80's so I can totally see where you are coming from. You saw way more things in the construct of how the series was cultivated first hand. I technically really started reading X-Men

Eh, she from boston (I’m originally from there) so anything & everything a woman of her background from Mass says, I take with a grain of salt. There’s a reason why I left that place. Unless your Liz Warren, I’ll listen to her. Or my immediate family members. Her statement shows how little she knows. Since on the