Kyo Soma A.

I’m not one to defend, X-Men now that it’s in Sony’s paws. That entire franchise is just a mess now. But I can’t hate X-Men. Comics in during that time was considered joke or non-artwork. No one respected it, but it did create an introduction to many kids to the value of learning higher vocabulary, understanding

Aw thanks!

Bill Murray is a wonderful. He was the only thing saving me within that film.

I’m pointing at both dynamics and the hypocrisy that lies in both. The women who describe themselves as “leftist, progressive, blah blah, blah” They were shocked, they were angry. But, WOC after the election was literally like “Oh it’s Tues.” I know this because my brother’s girlfriend acted like most the other white

I think they do understand that privilege but in a different way. It’s a subconscious manifest.

I mean...that’s literally the 53%. It’s when white women were shocked after the election WOC just said “Welcome to the Shit Club have a seat!” It’s like you said when things get too icky it’s “Lalala not listening”. And that is a huge problem. WOC can’t put on blinders when things get shitty. Well some do (looking at

Sophia kind of already admitted that she doesn’t give a shit about WOC perspectives. “I didn’t want to brush over such an important topic in a light way. Young girls watch my films, and this was not the depiction of an African-American character I would want to show them. I was clear about my decision because I want

I have said this in most discussion regarding “fake awareness” of feminism in the white hetero female population. Let us never forget that African American women involved in the suffrage movement were pushed (thrown) to the side for their own “manifest destiny,” just because their superiors, white men, told them to do

Because all their lives they have been told that they can do anything with no consequences to their actions. I call it the Manifest Psycho Destiny.

Oh, I know that’s not the point of your post. And I get that everyone on any island has to have an as you said has to have a “zen attitude” about environmental destruction or a malcontent in office that could very well start ww3. Because what you are saying is true, what and where can you go? I was just ribbing you

There is a lot of loose, well amazing giant plot holes in XV. I think this game is just testing people on their new engine. I did beat the game, went to Pittioss Ruins (that was actually a major highlight of the game). Especially after watching a you-tuber who detailed that we are not looking at the puzzle through an

God...we get it. You live on a beautiful island. When Armageddon comes at least you will have something nice to look at. Jesus brag much. hehe

One of the best lines from the article

Thank you so much for writing this. Your article hit home, and I am sure many other black women who are in the same boat. So thanks for shining a light on this topic. So when I think that my life sucks, or I didn’t make the right decision. I have to take a breath and say to myself, ok what can I do to change the

WOW! Projection much...guess this article hit too close to home. Or you just didn’t actually read it.

I am so glad someone is talking about this show. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is probably one of my top shows besides Mr. Robot. Which also deals with mental health issues (distinctly darker plot). But what I also enjoy about Crazy Ex is the breakdown structure of how many women deal with our problems with mental health or

Woah Phil Donohue...flashbacks.

I love the Prestige! And yet that gave me more satisfaction on the idea of what Hang was supposed to do. True, they had like 2 hours to fill that time with more explanation. At the same time they did give Hated in the Nation an hour. You know what I wouldn’t have minded a darker ending to USS Callister. I thought

Just to add to your article. I started reading well, listening to the Audible book The Liberal Redneck Manifesto.

Oh yay!!! I’m glad that I am not alone on that.