Kyo Soma A.

I can only hear the “Pepperidge Farm remember” line the way Crow said it in MST3K the movie. So thank you for that, and everything else you said.

That’s true, anyone can like both. However, I feel that after the San Junipero episode, is going to make people expect that there needs to be a “happy”(although when you think about it it’s not that happy) eps within the construct of Black Mirror. Yes I know that not a fact, they are not inclined to do that for the

Well I think it’s a little more complicated then that. Within the construct of many African nations there is an underlying conflict with tribal warfare, also gluttony (via financial) from western countries depleting their own rightful ownership of natural resources ( even China is getting a taste). Even slavery is

Catholics? I know Quakers supported abolition, but Catholics? No snark in tone, serious question.

Yeah I don’t really understand the love some Black people or African people have this rose colored ideology of Europe. I mean it’s nice very pretty but then this happens and it’s back to reality

No need for apologies! =) I just feel terrible that you had to feel attacked by someone in your office, for no reason whatsoever. Your story really resonated with me, especially after reading the Spotlight articles on racism in Boston (from there originally). So any kind of foolishness from our white co-workers or

uh huh

As I said, Again, I’m not involved in their relationship, maybe shit was going bad for quite some time. As a disclaimer. Look, we live in a Hated in the Nation state. Cheating -regardless of a person’s race or otherwise is usually not a great jumping off point, when you are trying to be a leader on issues that Jesse

You learned something today. That’s awesome! Also if your curious

I don’t think it was that. If anything it was the deception of it. No one here, ( or I hope) no one here has any issue with interracial relationships. I’ve been in one for 12 years. So that’s not the problem. How his relationship ended, with his wife that was the dagger that hurt the most. A lot of people liked his

Wow! I mean thank god that the HR manager clearly understood that this was a bullshit issue. But my god, is there no limit.  

Uh huh.

I wouldn’t even get into it with that one, she’s an odd one and a knave. For what reason I don’t know. Little backstory, tried to have a conversation about a film. Asked for an actual thought out opinion, it was literally this “you sound pretentions.” This was the only thing this person could say in regards to the

Hold up hold up hold the fuck up.

No, no, no, no we don’t have conversations. Sorry. Find someone else, thanks!

Sorry confused why are you replying to me???

Wow I didn’t know about that. I always learn something here. Thanks for the post!

Just to add. Marketing companies could hiring more black people in better positions and decision making in matrix implementation of branding and promotion. Not just coming up with copy (if they are even there) or segregating them to small scale projects. You are totally right the marketing / pr world is literally a

Totally agree. I am still reeling a little from his divorce (I know celebrity bullshit) but he’s for the people. Sooooo it’s hard to let him go.

Needs more stars!!!!