But a hate crime is a hate crime. Even if he had PTSD and or suicidal there are plenty of other people out there with the same problems as this man, probably even worse. They never sought out to commit a hate crime...
But a hate crime is a hate crime. Even if he had PTSD and or suicidal there are plenty of other people out there with the same problems as this man, probably even worse. They never sought out to commit a hate crime...
Want to star this more. Sad I can’t. White Culture Sovereignty is their utmost prime concern. They will literally burn this world to the ground if they feel they are not the ones in control.
oof dude...you are not doing so hot in these comment boards. just saying. I mean it’s nice you want to put the suicide prevention line and all, but you are matt damoning the situation all over the place. Commenters are literally telling you what the problem is and you are choosing not to see. Or am I reading you…
Hmmm, your comment is platitudinous, but if you like siding with proud terrorists. I guess that’s your thing then.
Exactly! If they understood fucking history, they would understand that the Confederate Flag is a visual representation of the word traitor. Which means brandishing and showcasing it means you have terrorist tendencies towards your country and government. That means Guantanamo Bay. Anyone with a hard-on for that flag…
I feel the need to add this to your statement. It’s pretty blatant how the powers that be feel about black people & drug addiction than towards white people. I mean the just not giving a fuck trait is strong in white people now.
Jezebel commenters downplaying Oprah’s speech? The same people who like Lena Dunham?? And when told she’s human garbage they still vouched for her? Time and time again? 2018 (at least for me) is the year of not giving a frack to white women fake solidarity. Nah I’m good.
If you want to read another great review check this one out. Also, the majority of people who rated this eps low or panned it..I wouldn’t be shocked if they were of a Caucasian element. Most people who didn’t like this eps were ones who enjoyed Hang the DJ which was one of the worst eps in the series.
I tried my first Chick-Fil-A and I had a bad allergic reaction to the special sauce. SO that was my first and last time there. Le Sigh.
Really? Cause history can say otherwise. Japan did instill slavery for a short stint. Even sold Japanese women for sex trade back in the 1700's. They had Korean and Chinese slaves for a short while as well until Nobunaga ( who had a slave in his party by the name of Yaskue via Jesuit priests) abolished slavery, I…
THANK YOU !!!! Why is this so hard for some people to understand?? I don’t get it. I do love the language / history / and social culture of Japan. When I see these kind of dumbass antics it really breaks my heart. It’s a slap in the face.
What is fact? that u find blackface funny? confused.
Thanks. you just made my point.
If you understand the history then you know that it’s wrong to do this, and if you have empathy towards other you would teach people why it is wrong. Even Harry Conick Jr. had to teach Austrailian singers why blackface is offensive. Especially when they have their own horrific history of racism. Did you see the video…
Do you understand the backhistory of blackface? This is a legit question, not snarky comment. Would you go to your black friends or co-workers dressed in blackface for Halloween?
You do understand why tropic thunder worked though, correct? It was in on the joke to make a point. Just like Always sunny when they did blackface for Lethal Weapon. They (the writers) understand why they are writing this social commentary to make a point. Sensitivity and or empathy isn’t a bad thing, it’s what makes…
Lol! When I first heard the concept of Bright I was like sooooo, Alien Nation? My mom was really into that movie and the tv show and Beauty and the Best with Linda Hamilton.
Basically!! I mean sometimes I wonder, what is the point of this existence? I mean when you have a crazed mf come into a person’s home, physically mentally, & psychologically threaten them. And your attitude is just blasé, god!
“It’s terribly unfortunate,” Bokelman said What the fuck??!!!
I know...but I felt it wasn’t very extensive as a calculator. I did use that one. Maybe that was just me though. I wanted more of a in-depth breakdown. If that makes sense? I mean I know there are other sites that I could use, but I figured that many people go here so it would be helpful.