
While I’m not disagreeing with your main point, SF’s history does include greedy Gold Rushers ignoring the Treaty of Hildago and kicking the ( wealthy) Mexican landowners out, a handful of developers throwing up cheap construction, for all the “new money” arrivals flooding to town, in the form of the now beloved

And given current trends, the future of basically every desirable location in the world.

I lived in SF from age 24 to age 44. Here’s what no one who still lives there wants to admit: our once-beloved city now belongs very frimly to the Justin Kellers of the world. SF is their city now, and there’s no going back, no saving it. The damage is done. SF is coasting on its amazing history, but this is its

took me a second, but I got there

Looking at homeless people IS gross but I don’t see him putting forth any solutions. Luckily I actually have a plan for that problem!!!