We all know Kellyanne Conway shilled for Ivanka on Fox & Friends and that doing so was an ethics violation. This is the same Fox and Friends that the Orange One shilled for today in that first tweet – which is ALSO a government ethics violation.
We all know Kellyanne Conway shilled for Ivanka on Fox & Friends and that doing so was an ethics violation. This is the same Fox and Friends that the Orange One shilled for today in that first tweet – which is ALSO a government ethics violation.
Get a grip and STFU. 😀
He might as well just set up a robocaller to foreign leaders with the same message: hello, this is Donald Trump. Fuck you and your country. I’m going to do amazing things, unbelievable things. If you want to hear more, you can follow me on twitter. And fuck you.
You also know what is going to cost taxpayers a ton of money? Look ahead, and lets say Trump lasts 4 years. When he gets dethroned he’s gonna be an ex-president. So he’s gonna require security then too, at Trump Tower.
Any surprise here? This dude picks a guy who hates the EPA to run the EPA. He picks a woman with no experience with public education to run the department of eduction. He picks a guy who wanted to shut down the DOE to you guessed it, run the DOE.
I hear as his first official act, Tillerson plans to name Captain Hazelwood as his offical aide-de-camp because of his experience of running things into the ground.
So there’s going to be a debate about the public option versus starting a gofundme campaign?
They also should hand out a a free copy of The Grapes of Wrath to everyone that votes GOP or for Trump. It’s the absolute best rebuke to anyone who claims Ayn Rand as their role model.
Maybe you’re too young or were kicked in the head by a mule which caused you to forget, but when Obama was elected he had to actually work to save the country and the world from economic collapse.
How come we are asked to give the current occupant of the White House “a chance” when he is clearly doing damage to the nation. But we’re told we can’t give people fleeing oppression a chance?
I’m don’t usually say much about the wardrobe a head of state wears, but it’s nice that she tried color coordinating her her clothing with the skin of the president.