and brains.
The Titanic sank because it plowed into an iceberg.
The Millenium Falcon / That guy who tied balloons onto a chair like in ‘UP’
If elected he pledges to have all our nuclear powered aircraft carriers built by bible study groups.
Oh its not that they don’t care. It’s that they actively hate you. These motherfuckers are evil incarnate.
Or religion.
There are plenty of good original movies. People stay away in droves from them.
“Rolling the dice on original material.”
yeah its pandering. What next, all female “12 angry women”?
Its important to not start monologing.
Oh thats easy, just have them unarmed.
Agree entirely. That teacher has to go.
One of the problems is a tolerant attitude toward police criminality. In the case of Police shootings of black people, they seem to get a paid holiday in the worst case scenario. This hero deserves 10 years for aggravated assault of a minor. He will likely lose his job and do no time at all. Where’s the deterrent?
Well that’s just lucky, he could have killed her with that kind of physical attack. This is a case of ferocious aggravated assault against a minor. The cop needs to do hard time. If it were my kid he would already be in traction.
“Getting “ripped ballistic” is the new “going Postal”.
I fear you are being trolled by a Christwire copycat.
I’m not making assumptions, I’m illustrating with a colorful example. I’m not particularly attracted to the anorexic ghost-women on magazine covers and catwalk photos, but I can understand if someone says to me “men find this shit sexy” - even if in my anecdotal dataset of one man : me, I do not. Sorry, I thought I…
They owe him the 350 hours PLUS interest on that amount at between 5 and 10% over the year, PLUS statutory damages. If it goes to court they will also owe court fees PLUS punitive damages. Think carefully about your next step, Applefucks.
And that message to boys is?