
Except that what they are arguing for ultimately still results in harassment from law enforcement. I grant you that they may not know that it does, but it does.

You really appear to be arguing about a technicality here. No, the authors and signatories of the petition are not directly arguing for criminalization of sex workers themselves, but they ARE arguing for laws that are ultimately harmful for those sex workers.


The opposition does not strictly support criminalization for sex workers, but it does support the “Nordic model”, which in theory is supposed to ‘end demand’ for prostitution by criminalizing solicitation. The problem is that in the countries where this has been implemented, it has not worked out at all as intended.

Except (contrary to what the opposition is saying) this isn’t about legalization, which most sex workers oppose. This is about decriminalization, which is a very different thing.

‘Amnesty proposes that “consensual sexual conduct between adults—which excludes acts that involve coercion, deception, threats, or violence—is entitled to protection from state interference.”’

The letter and signatures are available here.

I usually get mine from the Toast!

You know, every so often I wonder if my antipathy towards Lena Dunham is misplaced. Sure, I’ve hated what I’ve seen of Girls, and she seems incapable of talking about anything but herself (which is awkward when she has to interview somebody:


Well, it’s not surprising that they’d wait so long - Jack did say that he has ‘lesbian chemicals’.

“Our ability to right our wrongs and heal our wounds is one thing that makes America great.”

And that doesn’t even get into her theory “that women naturally assume guilt for things that aren’t their fault — their husband cheated on them, they didn’t get a job they were up for — in order to prepare themselves for one day having children, and the task of putting another human being before themselves.”

I hate replying to myself, but if it gets me out of the grays...

Happy now, Julie Klausner?


...So she lives off of baby food now?

My apologies.

Okay, without giving out any identifying details, can you elaborate further? I don't want to trigger anything, but I'm still processing this and I need more information about it.