
You’re probably right about the numbers, but I haven’t hit that number yet myself and I have a Master’s, something that I’m required to do in order to maintain my certification. So that match up doesn’t quite work because you’re comparing college educated workers overall with a population of people who are required to

Not sure where you live that school is in session less than 9 months of the year. I’m a teacher, and we don’t get paid for that “vacation.” Most of us spend our summers working at camps or in retail. We may have breaks, but I only get 3 personal days, so my time off is completely determined by the school calendar. I

And I literally had a strep test today because my tonsils are huge. Won't get the official results until Tuesday, but even though the initial swab came back negative I'm all sorts of paranoid now!

The divide is actuallyright in the middle of MoCo. I use a census map with my students and basically Rockville Pike acts as the great divide. Everything to the south is mostly White and to the north is Black/Hispanic

A good number of my students live in Potomac and the surrounding neighborhoods. This is the most unPotomac thing ever.. I'm so excited!

What pisses me off about this even further is that Stubblefield’s abuse of the facilitative communication to take advantage (and yes, rape) DJ means that FC will be further viewed with skepticism. Obviously, it’s something that people can use to their own benefit, as demonstrated here. But the school I teach at has an

Goucher has a practice of giving honorary degrees to commencement speakers since they don't get paid. He's probably the most famous speaker they've had, but he's not alone in getting the degree from the school for speaking.

I teach 6th graders, and while I agree Birth of a Nation isn't appropriate for the age, they are ABSOLUTELY capable of understanding prejudice and racism. I had several discussions with my students last year about the black lives matter movement. They may need some things explained because they don't have the

I’ve got two. The first was at the end of my study abroad in South Africa. I got some sort of bite only inner thigh—it didn’t itch, so I thought nothing if it. By the time I got home, it had somehow become infected and I had a giant HOLE in my leg. I had to go on antibiotics and I still have a scar. Even crazier, when

When I was at Dachau there was a field trip from a German high school there. The kids were all on their phones either texting or taking selfies. There was literally no thought to the tragedies that happened where they were.

This was a disaster averted, but my administrator wanted to have a lockdown and shelter drill today. Shelter is when something dangerous (person or weather) is outside the building, lockdown is when someone dangerous is inside the building (lock the doors, turn off lights, hide in corners, etc.). Because doing it on

Right, but it’s still part of social studies. We literally have a unit on financial literacy that we teach. We bring in business owners from the community teach about budgeting and credit and other things along those lines.

Mortgages, loans, all that stuff you mentioned using algebra—-that’s econ.

My PCOS means that without HBC I basically don’t have a period at all. When I was first diagnosed (at 16) the gyno told me that this lack of period increased my risk of uterine cancer, which is far more deadly than breast cancer, so taking HBC was the way to go. Is this not actually true?

Actually, economics falls under the humanities/social studies realm, not math. When I got certified to teach the test I took had a section on econ, which I found surprising.

World Studies teacher here, I’m actually teaching my students some world geography right now, but not capitals. Mostly rivers and stuff that are relevant to the civilizations we study. We actually have an entire unit on world cultures and religion, and another on Ancient China. The year above me has a unit dedicated

I was 10 my first summer at sleepaway camp. It was co-ed with a counselor “on duty” (we referred to them as ODs) at all times to make sure we didn’t go into each others’ tents. That summer there was an ongoing rivalry between girls side and boys side. My first night there, a bunch of boys took all of our trunks out

I was there Friday too! It was such an incredible show. Even music aside (which I am a fan of, obviously) the theatrics were really incredible.

Don’t forget that male teachers are more likely to move on to administration—teaching may be a female-dominated profession, but administrators (principal, APs, etc.) are much more likely to be male. And while there are a number of male teachers on my school’s 100+ staff, I can only think of a handful (like 4, out of

Going on a family trip to Italy with my then-undiagnosed early onset Alzheimer’s father and my not-on-medication mother was fun. Up until that point, I had no idea my mother even needed medication. The entire week was my dad getting irrationally angry whenever he perceived something going wrong (even if it wasn’t) or