Did Obamacare kill him?
Did Obamacare kill him?
“Seeing my neighbors, diverse faces, people in suits and people still in their pjs, all congregating to make their voices heard.”
How does your vagina hold the pencil?
Way to vote with your vagina. You must be so proud.
Yay! Free Stuff!
Good morning. How is my little bitch doing today? Rape anybody lately?
It is a tv show. Nobody wants their entertainment to reflect their reality exactly. That would be boring.
It’s fucking pathetic.
Is that why you are so fat?
Must be nice to be so privileged.
You are a douchebag. Please kill yourself.
The guy is swimming in pussy. Nice try though. Project much?
The dude is a player.
The victim was a white woman and a Black Lives Matter supporter was the the perp. It looks like it was racism. At least that is what I believe.
You are fucking ugly.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Eat a dick, Sqarr! Make me another dedication page. That was fun.
Google Eagle Gosselin. That piece of shit has been making racists posts on here for about a year now.
This is misleading propoganda. That was the tax rate and only half of the equation. The other side of that equation is taxable income. You could deduct a lot more income back then.
You are fucking dumb. Just stop posting.
Dipshits like Hamilton do not understand that there are limited resources in the world.