I was unaware of my passing... this is a poor way to start the day
I was unaware of my passing... this is a poor way to start the day
It’s been said before and I agree: Mariah doesn’t belong on a “reality” show, even with “ “. For someone who’s unwilling to show any crack on the magnificent, shiny, and perfect surface that is her life, a reality show doesn’t fly. There’s no window to vulnerability or relatability (even if staged or fake). She…
so what, exactly, should the opposition do? I am trying to pick and choose my fights carefully and enact self care and yes, keep calm and carry on. and focus. but I’m distressed by my friends and their distress.
And the true owner is buried behind a wall of offshore shell companies no one can penetrate.
Remember in that dossier how Putin offered 19% of a state oil company to Trump? Well 19.5% of a State Oil company changed ownership in December.
Please, please, please tell me that there’s somebody out there still investigating his ties to Russia. I know that so much has happened since that report was leaked, but I still think that definitively proving he’s Putin’s puppet (i.e. a paper trail) is the best chance we have so far of getting him impeached.
He has no idea what’s in it. He’s not a lawyer, he’s never been in government or military service. He has the same understanding of the Constitution as his redneck supporters.
I used to make THAT SAME EXACT DRESS for my barbies with aluminum foil Ivanka! Jared you have your hand in Trump’s favorite hand resting spot!
She has a huge neo-Nazi following that jerks off to her Fancy Nazi Princess poses. A lot of gross “Thank you for bringing class to the White House! You’re so beautiful and make me so happy!” kind of garbage from people that the Trumps would never, ever associate with in real life. It’s sick.
It was a Friday night when they were writing it, so, as per tradition, Jared was at a bar in Dupont Circle waiting for a Grindr date to arrive.
Holy fucking God Almighty, you have no idea the anger running through my system right now. Rae Kushner is from an Eastern European town that isn’t that far away from where my family lived at that time. A quick internet search shows that her family may have been murdered in the same massacre as my own family, and may…
Fried chicken? No way that guy eats anything so closely connected to black people. It’s only full fat mayo on crackers and tater tot casserole for Bannon.
Looks like he’s out of control with the KFC, too.
When asked for comment, the alleged scammers said in unison “the check is in the mail!”
Kim K. is educating people. Trump is president. A nazi is on the security council. If I believed in end time prophesies I’d be hiding in the basement right now. Actually, brb...
The Academy better put its money where its mouth is, and make a very public statement during the ceremony in protest of the ban, as it directly attacks their members and a nominee, Asghar Farhadi.