Yes, sexy she is not
Yes, sexy she is not
YES...this happened to me yesterday!!
And lest not forget...textbook closeted gay...
Haha.. statues and things. THANK YOU
I wondered. Huckabee, white bread name.
Yes...I’m convinced many have buyer’s remorse, and I’m just going to sit back with the biggest shit eating grin on my face...and pray nothing destructive happens, before he buries himself. Meanwhile, if you are one of those assholes that voted for him, and whine to me...I imagine I will lose my shit. I have a friend…
YES...I marched and I CANNOT WAIT...I think we need to have one every quarter!!!
My God. Thank you!!! I have sooooo needed a good long belly laugh. I’ve aged 10 years this week. Now, I am going to walk across the street to my illegal neighbors and bring them a ham( and maybe an apple pie) and tell them my house is a safe house
Well, first off..the SMALL hanstuff are sooooo apparent in this clip...Second...God bless the incredible professionalism of this ABC seasoned the hell he didn’t start laughing his ass off is BEYOND. God bless every reporter I’ve seen in the morning reports this week...Trust me, I am watching CLOSELY, …
They will repay us with pinatas shaped like Trump, made in Mexico. We are going to need A LOT of these to beat the shit out of in anger. They won’t be just for white children’s birthday parties anymore..There will be WIDESPREAD “Fuck this Orange Cheeto” parties...I’m looking for my email from House Party any day to…
Just think Glitter...was that the name of the movie?
No disrespect to Tanaka, but if she was going to pick a backup dancer for a fake story line, couldn’t she have chosen one that didn’t look like a 70's porn star??
Good Lord. Your almost made me pee, whilst sitting waiting for the ironic...pee!!!😂
WHAT is that signature???? So FUCKING PRETENTIOUS!!
Clearly, the man has a small Penis. The End.
He was turning to them the second after that Graham pastor made a comment that the minute the oath took place, the skies parted the ways and light was let reassure his adoring fans( fan) Ivanka...SEE...I am to be’s looks to me like he is more communicating with Ivanka, then…
Holy that real???