
there’s literally a portion of the video where he raises the gun and points it at officers

Why are fighting game fans the most annoying type of gamers? They’re like baseball players for physical sports. Fucking obnoxious, whiny babies

maybe I am weird, but I really like the art in Zelda?

the most wrong thing in this turd of an article is claiming that fucking La Liga is the best league in the world. There’s 2 world class teams and a bunch of shit.

why you bringing logic into this??

the heat you’d need to make burgers is too high to smoke that stuff properly. It’s going to be that thick white smoke, which is what you don’t want when smoking meat. You want thin, whispy blue smoke, which you only get at far lower temps

As mediocre as Cutler may be, he is still better than Kap any day of the week

probably serviceable, but that’s really only if you’re a team that runs a read option or something where he isn’t asked to throw a lot.

which one played behind an all decade line and had an all time great defense?

yeah, better hire the SJW darling who is a objectively bad quarterback


does this make you idiots feel better about being at the bottom of the totem pole? :(

I would sooner wear shorts than whatever atrocity is in the second photo

I usually love busting baseball players, but christ. People get severely injured on shit like that. Fencing response immediately after too


they are! I know, I got fucked first hand by it!

dude, you can’t shop on black friday and act like you’re supporting working families

this is true and varies state by state. However, shitty enough managers will be more than happy to ask and share that info.

and then you have to explain a gap on your resume.

The dude wore pig socks on multiple occasions last year. It’s one thing to protest the treatment of non-whites by cops, and even point out specific things. But when you’re doing that and tossing your hands up about not voting, it’s really obvious he’s just a dumb shit head (who happens to be right about a couple