
look up how tos for retro pie

are you planning to sell it later or something? I could get it if it were a collector original. Just seems odd to keep what is essentially a branded RPI with way less stuff.


lol thot

This sub is such a hilarious cess pool that it highlights stupid ass racist comments like this

was going to ost the same. Fighting commentators are the worst.

this was only a major upset if you believe in american exceptionalism

racism starts with your parents, kiddies

that’s coming from within your own community, idiot

so many sad, broken people on this page

culling was glitchy as hell, not as pretty, and ran poorly

no where near as glitchy as the first 2. Also, the creator of the genre is behind the devleopment

true, but it does deviate in how some have success waiting out major engagements, and others look for them.

something about eastern European dudes carrying a little extra fat but still managing to be tanks.

hmmm... do you boot using power button? for the SNES30, you just have to power and it will link automatically. I had the same issue as you as first because I kept booting with the short cut for synching (i think start + Rt?)

yeah. Cheaper option is definitely the iBuffalos and a long HDMI cord.

do you have the udev rule set up?? once that is set, it should be fine.

yes. SNES30 is great. Weighted right, no input lag.

I had both. I use SNES30 now exclusively. No noticeable input lag. I can play mario titles without a problem. I got a piar of NESPros, hoping to use for my RPI and switch, but it is way too small.

that’s not the scope of the suit