White Josh

We're gonna forget about this until it premieres.

Trump's America.

NCIS: Harambe

Network has to send them, also, harder for critics to follow every show

This show looks good but doesn't have legs to go beyond 13 episodes, let alone 100.

He ate them on the Super Bowl at the 1 yard line

When the FOP (largest police union in America) endorsed Trump after not endorsing neither Obama nor Romney in 2012 (considered both "unacceptable") it really tells what they want police to be. Quite hard to not see similarities between them and the SA.

Yet his net favorability in NY is -40

And people think I hate Trump too much because I am not one of the minorities he persecutes.

Media created Trump and they will be the first to be shut up.

And people called me crazy when I said these election wasn't republican vs democrat but fascism vs democracy.

NCIS viewers

You already can work in the media, false equivalence game is great.

The media have lost their minds this month.

Don't care, not the campaign he is running.

Yeah, only says "diversity is white genocide"

He is behind on that race, Hannity leads it easily along with Breitbart.

Please love muh dictator

Too late, fairness doctrine was killed so Fox News could exist and feed the monster called Trump.