hot fuzz is to masterpiece as kotaku is to journalism..
this features a female? are we still on the imaginary “female are under-represented, thus need representing because reasons” train? its getting old
one piece’s greatest offense is its retarded looking characters.. that and its ability to annoy the shit out of you with a bad guys laugh. besides that naruto all the way.
ubisoft = releasing ACreed every year, has a movie coming out, made offshoot games like AC india
scott = released five nights multiple times within the same year, has a movie coming out, made offshoot games like this game
Oh no, they removed homo marriage what will we do now!?!?
Thats because you think anything showing a little leg, chest, or stomach is sexual. What we’re really seeing is a humanoid creature in a ->video game<- thats showing some leg. What people like you see is sexy-little-kid-things that make you uncomfortable because you see it in a sexual way, thus dont like it.
its korean, why does this mmo matter? every single other korean mmo had “good hype” and look at them now.
respect for him putting daikatana in his profile on twitter
say all you want, the graphics in the game blew, it does not matter if its indie it does not get a free pass
haha it was good up until they introduce the godamn rts elements.. it goes downhill from there. that and the game tries to hard to be metal, jack black is the furthest thing from metal right under grandma
holy shit thats a mug right there -.-
yea but no one cares about bowie, this guy is kinda familiar
Its a damn good game. The action / combat / spells / vocations / and general danger and wonder make this game better than fucking dragon age inquisition. Shit even the ai which is bad at times, is still better than DAI ai companions.
yea cause thats what we need.. a fucking “asians that are good at games” channel where they play the same boring top down clicky game constantly with zero actual training other than your finger. espn is crazy.. yea theres a lot of people into it, there was a lot of people into the hollocaust, that dont make it a good…
You reminded me of people who take a handful of comments and automatically generalizes “people”.. as if anyone isnt entitled to their own opinion.