
non misleading title has mislead...

everything wrong with the movie right there

so she decided to cosplay as the lesser shep? shame

and ur son runs institute

that piece of wood is actually more fun than owning an actual ps4.. seriously

that always bugged me..

a famous jap or something?

can we just have a usa only tournament for once? these fuckers have nothing going for their country thus have schools for “pro gaming” which is essentially worthless other than to be good at whatever is trending..

you know youre not the only one. you just posted that so others can agree with you and make you feel better while other dipshits like the one below get defensive over a fucking disney movie.. it DOES suck.. but trends will be trends.

its “ba dum tissss”

just like in the movies, this dude doesnt fit in with star wars

can we stop with the emo female leads in games now?

except not as stiff and slow.. and overly flashy.. Im not a huge fan of wow but id take that over the clone ff is trying to be any day

yea like lu is kylo

“the driver accidentally hit the accelerator instead of the brakes when she” how godamn dumb can you be to mistake that? .. if this was a dude hitting a chick there’d be protests and rallies

good good good then this politcally correct dumbshit movie