
ugh black white couples are lame.. to much trying to be different. doesnt help their cosplaying as two of starwars’ biggest mistakes.

technically looking out for humanity isnt such a bad thing

Yes because giant squid monsters that want to kill all life in the galaxy is far better than a guy whos an extremist in wanting to make america wealthier.. right. Giant kill squid versus a guy who quoted rape statistics.

Hes never said that. All he said was mexican males have the highest rate in Rape statistics (which is true, look it up). In this pussy-ass age quoting actual statistics that makes a minority race look bad makes them racist.

Yea hes never said all muslims are terrorists and mexicans are all rapists, NEVER . He quoted statistics which made you overreacting cunts act like he said something he didnt.

the guy speaks some statistics about mexicans and now hes a racist etc etc.. I seriously doubt hes as bad as people make him

as far from metal as you can get really.. keep that japanese pop metal shit over there thank you

bullshit, 18+ late 20s women are fuckin crazy in bed.. more so than 30—40 year olds. Youre just trying to be the contrarian. the maturity bullshit your talking about is more “lets talk about some weird stuff” as opposed to “hey wanna try it in my ass” younger women go for.

honestly I would be the 40 year old banging 20s.. what dude wants a 30 -40 year old mom or career driven woman? no dude that wants active sex thats who. Being a realist, 20something year old woman are the best. The absolute best when it comes to fun and sex.

Yes because decent human beings call others fuckboys when they feel differently on a very personal subject. Way to sound like a whiny faggot.

koreans are better at some things because their country is so shit poor, playing games professionally is exciting for them.. i mean it is in the usa too but not as much.. games are a small portion of life in america (thats a good thing)

but here is all that matters

why is it that articles about men are simply news but when its about women, its about empowerment and pussy emotions.. as if everything is a godamn struggle.

has anyone linked that retarded spreadsheet picture?

yea lets act like the original articles werent paid reviews.. korean mmos never last

all the people getting a hardon for it being “hard” yea memorizing a bosses swing tells and pressing the dodge button while attack like once a minute is not hard, its fucking trying to hard to be “hard”.. game sucks. combat is slow.

its amazing how anyone cares.. like teamstar lost nuk569 but they got 360shotscopesno instead, cant wait to watch them play the little top down clicky game cause everyone else tries their hardest to make it important

can we just not have anymore rpgs where you play a young girl anymore? the fuck man how about choice

The ultimate example of pretty with great audio, but horrible horrible gameplay.

That little boy with the white hair looks like VR made him sick