Calm down, the sleep deprivation at college is mostly self-inflicted because you are doing fun things. Also it’s possible to get a job that you don’t live for, where you go in, work and leave, that leaves plenty of time for evening fun.
Calm down, the sleep deprivation at college is mostly self-inflicted because you are doing fun things. Also it’s possible to get a job that you don’t live for, where you go in, work and leave, that leaves plenty of time for evening fun.
Oh also don’t do that. Health crisises in college can wreck your grades and then it take more work to undo the damage (I’ll skip that story. It’s long). Maybe try to find a hobby in college and let yourself go at a normal pace there instead of aiming for early graduation. Take a pottery class or an art class that you…
Those college credit classes pay off later. I think I got out of five classes in college for that.
I’m so glad that I went to high school before this was a thing. I’m also glad that I went to prom with a group of friends instead of a date. It seemed like everyone who had a date fought over something.
I have a deep irrational love for grey’s. I don’t care that it’s terrible. I first started watching during season 5 when I was sick for a week so I just stayed in bed and marathoned the first 4 seasons. I’ve been hooked ever since.
I was trying to find a good “thank you” gif, but this one came up and made me crack up so I can’t not use it:
I went to a wedding this weekend where the bride’s speech was 20 minutes long. there were over 400 people at the wedding and she tried to hold everyones attention for 20 whole minutes. I got up, went to the bathroom, and came back after to find she was STILL TALKING.
Yeah, I called 311, the non emergency police line, because it was the next day and they transferred me to 911! They were all “want us to send someone out?” I said, “GOD NO! I’m at work... In Manhattan, this happened in Park Slope!” So they transferred me to the precinct and they treated me like shit.
As an American living in India, I will say that there are lots of restaurants here that have cheeseburgers on the menu and if you order a cheeseburger, you will get a slab of paneer between two halves of a bun (not every restaurant here, but enough of them).
That’s an excellent point. You are absolutely correct.
So, correction: No one should feel safe around police. Not a one.
I actually don’t think they ever officially did, it was just a special thing people could ask for as a ‘custom item.’
So punishing the child for something the parent did is fair? I doubt this kid does her own school shopping.
You actually do neither of those things. Just call home and tell the parent she can’t wear the shirt again. Sending her home causes her to miss class time (and is essentially a suspension) and giving her a loaner can be humiliating, when the child actually did nothing wrong. This is an adult issue.
Isn’t sending a student home for the day the same exact thing as a one-day suspension? The story isn’t quite clear but that’s the impression I got.
My parents were given a holiday gift of a chocolate penis from a urologist friend. I was horrified at the time (I was a kid) but now I think its quite clever.
I worked at a candy store and we sold chocolate penises and boobs. They weren’t in the display case our anything but people in town knew to ask if they were planning a bachelorette party.
True story: I knew someone who worked at a candy shop and made a penis-shaped mold and then, subsequently, penis chocolates. She was not fired. So... desperate measures?
I’m a designer and I see it among specialists. For instance I usually see this in color experts or materials librarians, basically people whose roles could expand if they wanted them to but ultimately most of us can get by with just an occasional consultation with.
I find that people really underestimate how much women would benefit from men getting equitable family leave. As long as family leave is only a lady thing, then it’s one more reason to discriminate against us. Once it just becomes a person thing, then it’s expected, everyone is set back the same amount (read:…
Corporations are also going to have to concede at some point that it’s not only about child care that people need flexibility. In one week on just my leadership team, three of us had to travel to take care of parents and a fourth had to take off for a MILs passing. With the babyboomers rapidly aging so many people are…