I feel like they’ve really lived up to their characters, what with Daniel Radcliffe being charming and self-effacing, Emma Watson being a feminist activist and Matthew Lewis, a shockingly attractive ugly duckling/late bloomer. Pretty much all of them seem beautiful inside and out. I find it all unusually affecting, as…
Its like fucking clockwork whenever a writer posts something about India. And the majority of the people who read this site honestly think they’re not as toxic as a Fox News or Breitbart comment board. They’re unable to talk about how utterly sickening this is without disparaging yucky brown people. Meanwhile, here in…
But seriously, just think about how I’m feeling right now. Any damn thing that’s negative happening in India and people are ready to get pitchforks out to condemn ALL Indians. Americans get mad when they are wrongly stereotyped as being all hillbillies. It’s a similar thing. You can condem activities by a few people…
But they aren’t sanctioned courts, even if locally they have the power to get away with it. Groups of white folks have been raping, torturing, and killing black folks in this country for centuries. It was still happening regularly and semi-officially in some American communities as recently as fifty years ago.
Yes because American culture has zero rapes happening.
Christianity is apparently like Choose Your Own Adventure. She can pick out the stuff she likes (hating gays, long denim skirts) and ignore the stuff she doesn’t (divorce is bad).
Justifying is the only way you can follow that book. There are so many contradictions in the Bible that your head would explode if you tried to follow it all. These people just seem to pick the most convenient (for them) and hateful parts.
You’re Amy Schumer and this is from a new movie, right?
I basically babbled. Something along the lines of, “I’m so glad he has such an open minded and loving family, but I’m not a sex worker and I really only know him from the amazing stories my new coworkers tell me. I’m so sorry for your loss, and I’m sure I would’ve loved him but maybe not that way but maybe that way…
Totally. I wouldn’t even want people standing over me watching me sleep, I SURELY don’t want then doing it once I’m actually dead. For their sake and mine.
So a week after I started this job, a guy who no longer worked at the publication I worked for died in a car accident. I never met him, and he was a copy editor so it wasn’t like I was familiar in any way with him through what he wrote.
But nevertheless, the EOC said everyone needed to go. So I went. And somehow the…
I’ve seen dead bodies at them.
im actually personally offended that tate is #2
We never had celebrity visits when I was a kid in the hospital, but do you know what was the highlight of my week? The day when people brought in “therapy” animals. People often brought in friendly dogs and let us snuggle with them and play with them. One time this lady brought in four golden retriever puppies and…