Also, I’m sure there’s a legless child living in a shantytown and not getting any treatment while they raise $1000s to treat this puppy with MRIs, etc.
Also, I’m sure there’s a legless child living in a shantytown and not getting any treatment while they raise $1000s to treat this puppy with MRIs, etc.
I have actually seen a few English bulldogs, that weren’t AKC quality, who looked fairly healthy. Still the deformed face but not quite as smushy, and a body that more resembled a frenchie or boston (strong, straight, muscled legs and straight spines). The AKC and other conformation organizations have grossly set a…
No. No, this is not “squee.”
This may be slightly off topic but I love Gal Godots hair crown.
Other names that switched sexes: Allison, Loren/Lauren, Sidney, Leslie, Madison, Meredith (!), and Lindsey. Hell, I used to have a great uncle named Marion (and another named Hyman, but that’s a completely different sort of amusing-by-modern-standards).
I’ve never had the slightest interest in alcohol, so I didn’t even drink on my twenty-first. I spent it at work blowing off coworkers who vowed to get me drunk and having “Happy Birthday To You” shouted at me while I tried to wash dishes.
I forgot it was my birthday until my aunt called to congratulate me.
Jut a note—the museum is in Grand Rapids, not Grand Marais.
My tribe is from Wisconsin. We can’t help it the people that moved in after we did suck. We were here first.
I read TKAM as a kid and taught it a few times as a teacher. I was always convinced that Atticus tried to be a good father and a good lawyer. I do not know that I ever thought of him as racist or not - I just assumed he wasn’t. Just because he didn’t allow the lynch mob to kill Tom doesn’t mean that he didn’t believe…
This is part of the book review from the Chicago Tribune.
I wonder how much of the shock and anger over Finch’s dark side is driven not by what people remember from the book, but from Gregory Peck’s performance in the movie.
It’s been very interesting (hilarious) to watch some white people who had no problem pre ordering the book suddenly getting insanely upset about Atticus being racist and saying “She never wanted it published!!1!”
I teach Mockingbird. I am black and southern. I never thought an Atticus Finch would have had me over for dinner. Yet, I’ve had white students identify with this character and want to believe so badly that they too would be the heroic, bucking the system, society-be-damned progressive during that era. No one wants to…
harper lee’s sister alice was a careful protector of harper, her estate, and her literary legacy. harper said for years and years that she didn’t want to publishing another book. harper and alice were both intelligent, resourceful women, and something tells me they didn’t just “forget” this manuscript existed for…
Nope. This did not happen. I don’t know what we’re discussing because this book does not exist. I teach English at a very high poverty school and most of my students brag about never having read a whole book that’s more than 50 pages-until we got to To Kill a Mockingbird. I’ve had big, tough football players cry while…
Yeah, I can buy that, especially since we were previously introduced to him from the perspective of his daughter. There’s probably some distance between how Scout saw her father and an objective view of him.
Not having read this new book yet, I can’t deny it makes sense that Atticus is revealed as a racist. His approach to law in Mockingbird was, after all, to preserve Jim Crowe—he wasn’t making any attempts to fight racism. Even when he stayed at the jail all night with a gun, to keep an angry mob from lynching his…
I haven’t even read the pre-release chapters, but based on this, I wonder whether there is some lesson about how people often get more conservative as they get older? How fear plays a part in that change, and people are vulnerable to influence? How there was a rise of protectionism as civil rights were recognized for…
“People went to law school and became lawyers because of Atticus.”
And spent most of their careers being slightly disappointed about the reality