
It is bizarre, and works? I’m not surprised NBC et al passed on it, but the cast and comedy are solid and it never shies away from the fact that life CAN be shitty. Bad things can happen to people, and they survive. Somehow they keep the right balance - hopefully they can maintain it in season 2.

I don’t get comments like this. I mean, that’s what they do? It’s tradition? Especially at a church event? Royals always wear hats? It’s not something new.

I’m matchmaking.

A family takes a walk in 1965, a half century ago.

George is the best.

Right, a selfie is totally different than actively seeking a handshake from, or holding your baby out to be kissed (kissed!) by a man solely because he is running for public office. The desire to bask in the glow of nearby fame isn’t narcissistic at all.

Yes, this is one of the things I miss the most about the US. There are so many choices and flavors and new things to try (I’m from a medium sized mid-Atlantic city and know it’s not that way everywhere). I live in the UK now and find most restaurants serve generally the same thing and a lot of it is bland to me.

I’m proud to be an American because I just stuffed my face with delicious Chinese food on the day we celebrate our Nation’s birth.

You’re cute. I promise, we say goodbye when we hang up the phone.

Yesterday I was watching the mini series John Adams while babysitting my sisters brood. When it came to the scene where Abigail Adams has the children innoculated against small pox my oldest nephew, who is a high functioning autistic, asked me: “Supernova, what are they doing?”

My dad decided to join the Episcopal church when he went to a Fat Tuesday pancake dinner and they floated a keg.

The ending is a little muddled —they’ve have African American bishops in the Episcopal Church for a while now. The first one, according to a cursory search, was consecrated in 1874. Michael Curry of North Carolina was elected at the 78th General Convention in Salt Lake City last week, making him the first African

Michael Curry was already a bishop (and not the only African American one); he was elected Presiding Bishop—head of the church in the United States. Might want to correct that in the last paragraph. I'm guessing the other Adrican Americzn bishops, male and female, would appreciate it.

Mark! So Episcopalians are basically everyone’s worst nightmare of Model UN nerds and LOVE committees and parliamentary regulations and speeches from the floor.

As a darn fancy Episcopalian, I haven’t seen any imploding over this. I’m in MS which can in no way be construed as liberal and we have gay church members and have been recognizing same sex unions for years. I always laugh about my fundamental upbringing and how glad I am to now be part of a church that loves

This seems likely to pass. I just came back from a conference in SLC, where the 78th General Convention of the Episcopalian Church is currently being held. It was all very surreal—amid the sea of “Mitts” were hundreds of funky looking preachers (e.g.: hippie women in clerical collars, black men in purple silk shirts

The Episcopal Church has been ordaining gays and lesbians and offering same sex couples blessing ceremonies inside the church for years. The parishes that couldn’t accept that have already defected and aligned themselves with conservative parishes in Africa and South America. If Episcopalians don’t vote to approve gay

I don’t think Michael Curry is the first African-American Episcopalian bishop - this lovely lady confirmed me in 2000:

It should be noted that the Episcopal Church already blesses same-sex unions. This discussion is about sacramental marriage.