
But, like, they can’t go to the bar or a cabin for that? Being cold is necessary?

He looks totally freaked out by her. Like that kid is uncomfortable as fuck. Poor thing, thinks he’s going to look at plants, has to talk to this lady who he doesn’t know instead, and there are cameras everywhere.

Agreed. There’s a huge difference between schools taking pictures for display around the school or on the school’s website and for using the pictures of kids for anything outside of school, especially on a political campaign.

I mean, it finally got cold enough for the ice on the lakes to be thick enough for ice fishing. So basically the same result, only there are frozen people inside the frozen pants (I don’t understand the appeal of ice fishing).

I have copies of the books that were my grandmother’s and some that were my mother’s too. We basically have a three generation Nancy Drew collection.

I just need more Naomie Harris in my life, please and thank you.

I’m one too! I’m pretty rough on purses, so a ton of money never makes sense, plus it’s just a low priority for me. I’d rather spend the same money on shoes or make up, purses just don’t do it for me. As a result, I just don’t fully understand the love of Birkins, I feel like I’m missing something.

I’m just a few episodes into season 4.

I’m watching it for the first time! It’s fantastic. I need more CJ in my life.

I adore this dress and everything about it. The color, the geometry, the cut that I could never ever actually pull off, and, most importantly, the pockets.

We did really similar things, just replace The Wiz or Coconuts with the local record shop that was actually within walking distance of my house and kickball tended to be done at a park because my street was too busy (but we were allowed to go w/o an adult, so same idea). I’m always a bit shocked at how little leash

I’m young enough that no one calls me Gen-X.

Nostalgic millenial over here, but I’m in the older range of millenials, depending on who’s defining them.

Yeah, I remember book 2 being much less rapey, which made it enjoyable enough that I went on to book 3... and then I stopped caring. I actually only decided to pick up the second book because I heard it was less rapey and I had somehow actually started to care enough about the characters that I read up to see if it

Yeah, I was going to say, no one is reading that in 2016, regardless on who you are/are not choosing to read.

Maybe because everyone hates Ross and they conflate the two? I’m trying to remember why I don’t like David Schwimmer and I just keep coming up with Ross reasons.

I already want to see John Boyega in everything, so there’s that.

Ours did- we had snow days, not terrorist threats, but the only time a due date was pushed back was if something had to be done in class.

No, but honestly because I was totally unaware of any of that (I follow SI only slightly less than I follow the NFL), just imagining that something like that happened.

I always assumed it was phrased like that for a “sportsmanship” element. Like if it was athlete of the year it imply the most dominating athlete every year, but with the “sportsperson” title it allows them to choose a maybe less successful athlete who did other cool things?