
God yes. We were in a really busy drive through line and the guy in front of us ordered a ton of food, so it was a long wait. When we got up to the window, the woman working the was just apologizing profusely for the wait and I felt bad for her, because we didn’t care, but dude, you know someone had bitched her out

Yup. My husband learned how to do my laundry really quickly with a basic, “when in doubt, don’t dry it” rule.

Prairie dogs carry it too apparently. And I find them much less creepy than squirrels.

I suddenly need this in my life- Internet! Do your duty!

Yes. My mom kept her maiden name when she married my step-dad, who has two kids with his last name. It was never a problem for them to claim any of us, despite the total lack of matching names, although we could always tell how someone knew you by whose last name they used (my mom’s colleagues called all of us by her

This Cubs fan has been jumping the gun too. Cubs to the World Series for the first time in 70 years!!! Shh... I know there’s another series that they could still lose (and let’s be real... it’s the Cubs... let me dream a bit)

I think that’s why it works for me. I never learned good form/my natural inclination is to do something weird with my feet and hips, so it really does solve my problems.

I think that’s why it works for me. I never learned good form/my natural inclination is to do something weird with

Since I haven’t seen these yet-

Since I haven’t seen these yet-

At very least, it’s not helping anything.

I, at very least, will stop in one just to check out the menu. Also, McDonalds is a good reliable source for a free, reasonably clean bathroom. I won’t go for a meal if I’m not out of the country for an extended period of time, but a pee break and snack? Sure.

My mother wants to do that with her dress for my kids, save my dress in case they want it, and then repeat cycle if they don’t. I’m letting her hang on to that idea. I’m not gonna lie, I would have considered wearing my mom’s dress had a) my parent’s marriage not ended badly and primarily b) I wouldn’t have had to

Spaced is a brilliant comparison. I adore Spaced and you’re right, the references there are hit or miss for me, partially because of my age (I was young when it was on and didn’t see it until college) and partially because of locale (I’m American), but it doesn’t make it less enjoyable. What’s funny to me too is that

Oh god yes. I think i09 (I’m looking for the article, but can’t find it) did a comparison of BBT and Community several years ago that basically was summed up that one was a show making fun of it’s nerdy characters and one was a show about nerds and geeks. My parents love BBT and don’t get Community, because, at heart,

Ugh, we were just talking about these guys last night. There are a ton of signs and bumperstickers saying “start seeing motorcycles.” Look, I DO see motorcycles, but it’s easy to miss them when they do shit like that.

I am also unusually unsweaty. I used to have problems with overheating because I didn’t sweat enough. I have started to sweat more normally since getting older, but I mean, I’m talking mid 20s when that started.

It was around then for me. It coincided with me getting serious about dancing and puberty coming at me full steam, but honestly, I didn’t wear deodorant except at dance class until, I dunno, midway through high school because I never sweated enough to smell.

Agreed. We had our first basic sex ed (mostly period information and a plea to start using deodorant) at school at 9 or 10 with the understanding that most parents had at least mentioned the basics beforehand.

I 100% agree with this. There are things to learn and do in college that have nothing to do with getting a job or good grade and that are worth doing. I couldn’t have graduated early if I had wanted to (due to how my program was structured) and made sure to take a “fun” class or something interesting every semester. I

I was like you in high school and when college rolled around, I had got into the good school and got the great scholarship and started sleeping when I realized that a) my health needed it and b) I was burnt out and jaded. Now, I work and go to grad school full time and still sleep more than I did in high school...