
Truth, we did the same thing a few weeks ago. Pick up New Glarus in Hudson, then back home.

They are awesome. I also think they just do what a lot of people would if they had the space and resources. It’s expensive to care for the genetic misfits, but since they’re vets, they have that down, plus they have space, in the house and outside for a pack. Sometimes it is the island of misfit toys over there

My in laws are vets and take in a bunch of puppies that have scraped the bottom of the genetic barrel because of irresponsible breeding. They had a lab who was bred for her coat and came out with hips so bad that they had to break them and reset them when she was a puppy, a daschund (sp) that was bred for dapple

I like birthdays and alcohol, but I had shit to do.

Which only works until John becomes a popular girls’ name and then tada, back to the same bias. See- Ashley, Shirley and to a lesser degree, Jordan and Taylor.

I went to an interview for a scholarship and had dinner with my parents, brother, and his friends after his wrestling match. I had to skip school for said scholarship interview, so didn’t even get the customary cake and or cookie my best friend and I always made each other. It’s almost as bad as my 21st birthday,

I think the difference in Scout’s age is going to be key to the difference in how Atticus is portrayed. Of course as a kid he seems perfect and as an adult she realizes he’s not. It makes sense that there’s a darker side of him shown in the adult perspective than the kid perspective.

Dude, me too (granted, my class happened to be covering color theory that week, so it was actually relevant, but still).

I’m so far from NYC though. Like if I visit, which is rare, I’m only in the city for a bit (cousins in Jersey, so we stay with them and go in for a day) and even then it’s about a 24 hour drive from where I live. Broadway for the interior of the country, that’s what we need.

They had some others at one point. I know Into the Woods was there for a bit.

Would join this. Netflix has a handful of musicals, they should just get all the recordings.

Damn, I haven’t seen a recent picture of him. He has aged nicely... Like, I never found him that attractive before.

Right? I just bought a pair of size 10 pants and can slip another pair of size 6 pants off without unbuttoning them. End the madness!

Yeah, there are some super dark moments in the show, but it’s why it work as a dark comedy rather than a fluffy sitcom.

Frankly, I would like to join a tradition in which hats were the norm for church events still, especially weddings. I love them as accessories. Episcopalians, let’s get on this shall we? I’m super cool with the things we’ve done that break away from the rest of the Anglicans and the Church of England, but let’s please

My dad legit used to brag that Al Gore shook my hand when I was little and he was campaigning with Clinton the first time. Had there been cellphones, selfies would have been framed (my dad loved Al Gore, I smile and nod).

Honestly, I’m just really glad my parents strongly encouraged appreciating how much diversity we had around us (even though it wasn’t a ton when I was a kid) and part of doing so was never shying away from all of the food.

I lived in India for a period of time and I swear to god, the thing I missed the most from home was Mexican food. Don’t get me wrong, Indian food is the best and while I missed other foods from home, there was nothing I couldn’t live without or easily get except Mexican food. When I got home, the only things I wanted

I have to say, one of my favorite things about living here is that, due to the fact we’re a nation made up of people from all over, there is a shit load different food. If I cross the street, I can either go to a Mexican place, Chinese place, or Russian place. If I go up the road, Italian, Indian, Thai, German,

Or if they vote republican they’re like my grandparents- rich white people voting for taxes and not giving a fuck about social issues. The ones that are anti-social stuff have broken out over the years. We had a large split over the gay bish and one of local churches split in two with the conservative group aligning