
Not to mention, her parents aren't the only members of her family. We don't know if her siblings were supportive/would have been supportive but never got a chance because they're still under their parents' control, or if she had cousins or aunts and uncles or grandparents who might have been an outlet. I have a hard

I did the "My body is prepping for a famine" diet in college in which no matter what I ate, my body said "holy fuck, you're stressed out, I'm going to hold on to ALL of this, because clearly, the end of the world is extremely fucking nigh." Combine that with dorm food and having to adjust from the "Young Athlete Diet"

To be fair- can you think of a time when fashion was really flattering to most figures without some amount insane undergarments? Like, I LOVE the New Look from the 50s, but I have the right figure for it. My sister looks way better in the current trend of skinny pants and big shirts than I ever could. But seriously,

The Rachel cut is still the most flattering hair style I've ever found for me... Something about the layers and length combined with my hair texture and face. I kinda understand why it was so popular. I also get a bit sadly nostalgic for the really good hair I had at one point because now I feel like going back to it

Holy crap, he's been in a ton hasn't he? I am part of that generation that will always recognize him as Richard Gilmore first, but damn do I love MASH.

True facts, I cook 5 nights a week not because my husband can screw up Ramen (he's good at instructions) but because I like cooking more than he does and my job allows me more time to do so. Feminism at work here- I cook because I want to and because it's what works best for us, not because I must because of my

That would be my guess, about the pregnancy. She's probably in an awkward "uggh my jeans don't fit, but my maternity pants are still to big" phase.

Things you forget/weren't alive to ever see first hand- Damn Prince Phillip was attractive.

The only time I judge is if guests are treated badly. Fortunately, I haven't been to many weddings where that has been the case.

I was just coming to say that I cannot hear that song without thinking of Dr Strangelove. Greatest ending to a movie. Maybe not ever, it's in contention with some others, but right up there with the door closing on Kay's face.

Ours ended up being a bit more, but like, proportional to the number of people who had flowers for the wedding. We got married inside, but said, eh fuck it, the church is pretty enough, not messing with decorations.

Fortunately, the rest of my in-laws are pretty cool. The grandparents are super Catholic, but are just passive aggressive about it, which I'm great at deflecting. My SIL has chilled a bit too fortunately.

Yeah, my SIL fell in with a bad crowd in college (and by that I mean Focus Missionaries). Apparently everything is too liberal when you're trying to convince American college students that they should be Catholic. I made my SIL almost cry when I told her that under no uncertain terms was I converting to Catholicism

Yes! They were. I was laughing and rolling my eyes, because these are super-Catholics, aren't they supposed to be totally onboard the idea of papal infallibility?

That's just what it seems like. Like, why force people to go through the prolonged trauma of watching their brain dead relative forced into being an incubator for a fetus that probably isn't going to make it anyway, and even if it does, might have really bad health problems as a result of it's mother's injury/lack of

Any doctors/people who know shit around who can explain what the likely hood is of this fetus being born healthy when it's mother is on life support like this? I don't actually know, but it seems like living inside of a dead person on life support isn't maybe the most ideal place to grow.

I'm calling highly unlikely, given that I've heard extreme Catholics say that you're still alive until you're not, so being brain dead doesn't count as dead. Like, I once had a woman go on a rant about how if you put that you are an organ donor on your drivers license, the doctors will kill you to get them by taking

There's so many royal/aristocratic related landmarks that seem to fall into the category of "damn they spent a lot of money on this... good thing it's making it back now with tourism". Think of how many people go to Versailles each year- a place that was literally designed to keep the common folk separated from the

Really, they always seemed like decent people who would have done quite well in a more modern or constitutional monarchy. They would have picked up on the modern take of royals doing charity pretty well, plus the much much more relaxed standards of protocol. Just- wrong time and wrong place.

Straight up, that's the best legacy for a king. Ok, so maybe not blowing all of your money on art and architecture, but, then again, at the end of the day, what survived?