
There's a chance that her school is small enough that it's an all grades prom. My good friend went to a small private school and prom was just the end of the year formal for all high school students.

Go spelling kids go! I was/am a horrible speller and have secret hopes that one of my children does well enough in the subject to make it here. That or avenges my place in the National Geographic Bee, I missed qualifying by a very small amount.

I love her smile. I've always thought she was one of the prettiest people ever anyway and that smile just helps.

Everything I've read makes me think that she LOVED making this movie. Like, she just had fun with it and it kind of makes me want to see it, even though I'm meh on the idea.

Exactly. I'm actually solidly in the small/medium range and rarely have a hard time finding things in my size but when I fit into 2/3 of the offered sizes, wtf are people smaller or larger than me going to do about finding clothes? If the average sized woman is a 14 (is that stat still correct?), they're all buying

That makes so much more sense, but it wasn't clear in the original comment.

I mean, having a stylist and team of people to make you look pretty/ hide your teenage awkward can't hurt things. That being said, some people just luck out and their awkward stage is about 5 minutes one morning when they wake up with a zit.

Ok, this is something you don't see that much- someone who looks like she's really actually having fun on the red carpet. It makes me want to be there.

So much this. A size 0 and a size 6 are different for a reason. My sister in law is very petite. As in, now with this S, M, L sizing pattern, her size 0-2 self has been having to order XXS clothing online when she used to just be able to find a 0. I am somewhere between a 4 and 8 (mostly in the 6 range, but shopping

Ours did something like that too, I think it was mainly for uniformity for the yearbook when people were submitting a range of pictures.

If they're allowed to wear those clothes to school, which they must be according to the dress code since there are so many edited photos, then it seems to me that people lost their focus on the important things by editing the pictures in the first place. Wearing a tank top to school doesn't distract anyone from

This is exactly like what my mom's year book is like from the late 70s, as are my aunts' (my dad's sisters, lived in a different state) and I think one of my grandmother's. It definitely has a classier look than my yearbook, plus no one had to hunt down all of the seniors who forgot to submit their pictures (which

This has to be a mistake? Like that's not the same kid. I bet someone just fucked up and put the picture on the right in twice instead of the edited picture for the original.

Right? If the kids can wear those outfits to school on a regular day (like picture day usually is) then why is it suddenly not ok in the yearbook? Also, I remember getting notes from school pre-photo day saying things like "picture come out best if students wear x,y,z" (I think it was something like solid colors or

I am furious that when I was having lunch outside and had to flee because a man thought he had cornered me (I was eating in a fenced in playground with a closed gate and an open gate, the closed gate was flush and hard to see, so I don't think he knew I was there) stripped naked, and started masturbating 5 feet from

Most important question though- what was baby North wearing? That damn cute child better have had an awesome baby outfit.

Fuck yeah I'd go. It'd be a hell of a party and a spectacle.

This! It's also Kanye's first wedding, so while people are side eyeing Kim for it being a big ass lavish affair for her third, just remember, he should be allowed to have the crazy ass first wedding that everyone seems to think would be ok if she hadn't been married before.

I should have expected the Spam curds from the Minnesota State Fair. They have a fucking Spam museum. It doesn't make it less gross.

So, I have a very similar figure and build as her. Larger rib cage, similar curve proportions, similar fat levels (based on her appearance in that picture, I obviously can't tell her muscle proportion compared to mine, etc), I have broader shoulders. I'm in the just overweight, not obese category. I also have this