Lola KH

This was amazing.I wish she had died a more "honorable" death. Lexa will be missed and more than that this show is going to miss the brilliance that is Alycia Debnam-Carey. Hope FTWD people realize her potential and stop using her as a background actor.

Legend of Tomorrow!

Gina: You pathetic nerds can help me.
Terry(confused): Thank you?
Gina: You are so welcome (points at Terry and Amy)

"For all this fear of the Dark One, Emma really hasn’t done too much treachery yet." THANKYOU! We saw Dark!Rumple playing so many "games" and manipulation with other characters but DarkSwan has hardly done anything.

Glad you pointed out the "Friends" reference. That episode of Ross with his leather-pants was hilarious. Something TBBT couldn't do capitalize on the show.

No. I dont think she is getting killed off. Not yet. She talked about the Grounder's Capitol and asked Clarke to go with her. After the betrayal she said "may we meet again" I am sure they will meet again.But this time under less friendlier circumstances which is so exciting tbh.

They will meet in the Grounder Capitol again. Then,I wont be hoping for lexa to survive like I was for the whole last week.

That was cold Lexa.That was cold.I mean I GET IT why she made the deal but ………geez disappointed.

I think the same. I wish Lexa could stay around longer :(

The show is good-ish?Hmmm….I'll still check it out.Its was my most awaited pilot this year.

I am at loss of words.I cant….this was by far the best thing I have seen since GOT season 4 finale.

I agree. I am shocked. I started watching The Americans two months and was amazed by Keri Russel. I guess both BBC America and FX arent "big" as HBO and Showtime.

He was brilliant in this season. I was so sure he'd be nominated .Disappointing (as usual) from Emmys.

Where is Tatiana?James Spader? Pedro Pascal?Bellmy Young? This list is a joke

I cant figure out if I liked the finale or not. The actor they have chosen for male clones is not strong one.He was strictly alright as Mark.

I guess how the character was introduced/handled/rushed over-clouded how Maslany performed it. I have to watch the episode again.Which I cant bring myself to because I was so disappointed with it and was left with "meh" feeling afterwards!

She nails pretty much everything except Tony!


He said "I like Pottery".

You said it all. On point review.This episode was disappointing. Not because it had introduced a trans-clone.It came in from NO-WHERE and it felt rushed. For the sake of shocking the audience, the writes took a half-baked story line and inserted into an already crowded show.Art got a call someday from some Sammy and