
I would just die a million happy deaths if I had your hair. Like for reals.

I don't care how old a student or former student is - there is that power differential. And there are teachers like me who view the teacher/student relationship as inviolable. Once I have a student in class, that student is one of my "kids" - as in like a child - forever. I could never see a student in any way

I don't care how adult they may look, they are kids

Absolutely. I notice that my students mature year to year, and I see that they are becoming adults, but the thought of actually being involved with one of them is... just no. For many reasons.

I work with middle and high schoolers and I cannot believe it either. Many of my students look and often act like adults but spend ten minutes with them and you can see that they are just children. Anyone who cannot see that has no business working in a school.

You've see the way they write!

Teacher here, I agree completely. While I can enjoy someone's beauty (we're all shallow like that) I can't see my students in a sexual light. They're too young and, frankly, too annoying. The last thing I would want after spending the day dealing with them would be to spend some one-on-one time with them , much less

Totally. The stories were always gross, but after actually teaching? Definitely gag worthy.

Redacted because it was too easy a shot. I don't have a Ph.D. Nor am I an academic. I do try to read, and ponder situations from all angles. You might try it, modiggety. Passion is not a bad thing when properly channeled. When it turns into ad hominem attacks, it is less useful. Think about it.

Every time I read one of these stories, I want to hurl. I worked as a paraprofessional with high school students who were working on credit recovery (so, ages 14-21) from the time I was 22 until I was 25, and it blows my fucking mind that anyone would be able to throw aside the power dynamic and developmental

Not schooled. But perhaps you need to study. Islamophobia does not begin to cover the religious diversity of the Middle East. Islamophobia refers to one religion: Islam. Neat little trick that one. So, let me teach you something, darling. There are Muslim Arabs, there are Christian Arabs, there are Jewish Arabs; there

Israel is a Jewish country. People who dislike someone purely because they're from Israel are pretty shitty people.

Wow. Maybe stay away from the caffeine for a while.

Lebanese are Semites, darling.

It's not anti-Semitic to dislike Israel. Israel is a country.

Miss Lebanon didn't even spell "Israel" right in her stupid fucking post.

glitter bombs over both.

And wouldn't be fantastic if teenagers don't have to think about the geo-political implications of their every little act?

Wouldn't it be fantastic if Miss Lebanon sent a big fuck you and said yes, I'm promoting world peace and gave Miss Israel a giant hug? Sure, she wouldn't be able to go home, but I dream of a world where women change it by shoving the hate away.