I cannot stand her music, but I really REALLY want to hang out with her!
I cannot stand her music, but I really REALLY want to hang out with her!
Here's the whole video!
I'm torn on this one. Part of me thinks she's just encouraging the objectification of women, reducing women to their looks/bodies/appeal to men. The other part of me thinks that by showing more nude bodies we take away the power they have and the importance we as a society place on them. Maybe if it becomes "no big…
I love/hate/love how much this must have killed him. Write it out, Drake. Write it out.
it's a shame her escort ruined it by making sure everyone knew he was staring right at her ass. COME ON DUDE.
Bam! Glad I wasn't the only one, who wasn't all wow had shocked by this.
Totally ditto. What a foolish girl I was... perky boobs, round butt, and I was stressed because I didn't have abs you could see. :-/ Four babies later, it's like everything melted... Ladies, strut that shit while you can and keep the cameras rolling!
What a gorgeous woman. I do like her style, however, if I looked like her, I probably would never wear clothes.
If Rihanna asks you if you are a god, you say yes!
Some people will hate it and hate her, but one has to admit that takes some damn body confidence to pull that off.
Why so mad? Did she refuse to say hello to your girlfriend or something?
Were I (God willing) named a fashion icon, I would feel it my solemn duty to show up nude.
YES all day to this. If you're a gatdamn rockstar and you have the world at your feet and under 30 and hot as fiyah... then goddamn all the fucks and YES TO THIS ALL DAY errrrRIRIday.
Because unless you are a Twilight vampire, showing up naked would be significantly less sparkly.
I understand that teenagers say stupid shit and they grow out of it eventually, but I don't think that applies to this douchebag. Sure, he'll say he's "changed" but I doubt it. I'm sure he still makes these kind of jokes to the "right people" (i.e. white). I'm not the least bit surprised by this video, and once again…